really like the RSTC to see it as an important barometer reading of the industry. When a seasoned professional instructor at the very point of achieving influential reach instead calls it quits because of the deterioration of the industry’s instructional culture, that should be a warning flag. It makes wonder how much each certifying agency balances between new instructor recruitment and veteran instructor retention. Maybe wondering is unnecessary. In defense of some certifying agencies, my sense is Paul Toomer has thought about retention and I'm confident Jarrod Jablonski has spent time on the topic.
It's really discouraging to hear the steady drip that the RSTC and WRSTC have no teeth. Short of some legal action against individual certifying agencies (probably way out-of-kilter in cost effectiveness), the only recourse in the US I can think of would be through facilitating the filing of individual complaints with the US Better Business Bureau. Obviously this would only cover US experiences. It would be a somewhat diffuse and piece-mealed process requiring a persistent stare at the problems by an organization resourced to pay attention while perhaps only yielding modest impacts on a certifying agency's culture.
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@Darcy Kieran cognizance and comment.