People will have different opinions on this, but here's a viewpoint you should strongly consider. A plate is mostly a plate. There are some differences in design and manufacture which may affect fit and finish, but at the level you're looking at, the differences will be minimal. (Some, like the Freedom Contour, are different though!). So then yes cost can become either a deciding factor or a strong contributor. However, and this is where it gets tricky considering that it's not my money being spent, I would recommend at this point that you include in your 'value' calculations the service you have received thus far and according to your comments will also continue to receive. You have used considerable resources (time, experience, pool trial, expertise etc.) of this shop. To then turn around and spend your money elsewhere to save some coin is why so many stores are struggling. I understand it's not for the exact same product, but all things considered the SP and DGX are close. Others on the forums can probably chime in with more detail on any actual differences and then you can decided if those differences matter to you and your diving. You have received solid support and feedback from a store, somewhat unusual for BPW configurations, so I would think that there is real value there that should warrant your wallet. Just a thought.
So speaking of that, I know you guys suggested the DGX brand (as others have) for the BP/W. The only brand this one shop sells is ScubaPro and it is clearly more expensive. Is the brand being SP pretty much what you are paying the extra money for? Is the quality of the DGX stuff and SP stuff comparable or is one better than the other? I haven't priced out at all how much the SP setup would be if I buy it from the shop yet so I don't really know the full price of everything if I went that route.