She also was just thinking that I may prefer an aluminum plate just based on my build and her experience with people of my size. She didn't recommend a 40lb wing at all though and said in her 8 years of diving with people using BP/W, only 1 person has ever needed one and he was a really big guy.
I don't see how human body size can play a role in plate material or wing lift. Plate material should be determine by the ballast you need. If you need a lot of ballast, SS plate help to remove some lead. Wing lift is largely a funciton of suit you use and amount of gas you are carrying. You yourself shouldn't play at role at all because your self buoyancy really don't change throughout the dive. Wing left or BC is there to compensate things that changes in buoyancy.
The thing that confuses me is if you were slightly negative at the surface, your negative buoyancy will only increase as you descend. If your wing is full at the surface, your wing cannot hold any more air so how can you have neutral buoyancy at depth. In theory, you will only continue to sink.
Not sure where you live but I would try a different BPW for comparison.
Why?? if he is in t-short, where can he lose buoyancy? If anything, he will gain buoyancy as his tank empties.