Suggestion Idea to limit old threads

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Reaction score
West Texas/NH/CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I really enjoy 90% of SB threads to some extent. However, some threads live well beyond their usefulness and turn nasty as more and more people pile on. I have even be caught up in a few of these myself (shame on me). Would it be a good idea to keep older threads out of the Lastest Thread window and allow nature to take its course and let them die on their own? They don't have to be killed for those that are really interested in them, but they don't have to continually pop to the surface until the particpants are pecked to death either.
Can you give an example?

Are you talking about Similar Threads or the New Posts list?
Examples would be Does Liesure Pro Sell Fake Stuff, What makes a Master Diver, Why does DIR suck, etc...

Each of these post may have a good question (or not, not my place to judge). But by the end of the thread, they are pretty worthless.

I am specifically asking about the list on the home page that appears to pop these old chesnuts up evey time someone replies. Then someone counters and the dang thing never dies. If they are listed by the original date of the post, rather than the date of the last update it might give new post more exposure and let old ones die out before they get nasty.
Or you can just look at the # of replies column and never open any that have more replies than whatever personal limit you have chosen.

By the time a thread has 50 replies, the original question has been answered if it ever will be. OTOH, some threads wander off in interesting directions --- if that bothers you, just don't open threads with lots of replies.
Or you can just look at the # of replies column and never open any that have more replies than whatever personal limit you have chosen.

By the time a thread has 50 replies, the original question has been answered if it ever will be. OTOH, some threads wander off in interesting directions --- if that bothers you, just don't open threads with lots of replies.

You are correct if my point was to not read these old chestnuts. Even being senile and feeble minded, I can skip most of the junk.

My point was different however, it was a suggestion on how to reduce the amount of nasty replies that appears with some threads that go on and on and on.... the idea being if someone want to duke it out to the bitter end, let them, but don't keep dragging to the top of the pile and advertise it.

There are many really good threads on this board, but sometimes its hard to find the good ones buried in the pile with the less desirable threads. I was merely suggesting a little tweak. OK, I said my piece (2x), now I will shut up and follow my own advice.
There are many really good threads on this board, but sometimes its hard to find the good ones buried in the pile with the less desirable threads. I was merely suggesting a little tweak. OK, I said my piece (2x), now I will shut up and follow my own advice.

Maybe you're just a Grumpy Old Guy! :wink:
What would be nice is a Blocked Thread feature that would filter unwanted threads from display.
yeah, a way to block threads an individual doesn't want to see on the list would be useful. I blocked a few forums to avoid seeing the new list full of games and chat all the time, but that isn't the best solution nor a solution to this.

the trouble with trying to do it automatically is, there's no way for the software to know what threads still have useful discussion going on (yes, it happens!) and which are junk. Doing it by time is not really any way to judge - a thread can turn to junk fast, and people often make useful posts on older threads.
You might find the ignore list useful (or not, it blocks all of an individual’s posting):
described here:
as: “Ignore lists are used for those people whose messages you wish not to read. By adding someone to your ignore list, the contents of those messages posted by these individuals will be hidden when you read a thread. Furthermore, you will not receive any private messages sent by a member who's on your ignore list.”

My concern is that I would then miss the occasional gems that even the most peckish provide.

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