Iberostar Cozumel dock fees!!!!!

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Great post Ross-alas mine was not so gracious or well thought out. However,I think I got my point across that we are dissatisfied with the dock fees and will look at other hotels even though we have been loyal to IB for years.
Although it should be the diver's responsibility to pay the fee to IB, it makes me feel good that Christi and the other ops are working on the problem. Maybe with everyone working on the IB management, we'll get this thing resolved...hopefully before our August trip when four of us are diving.
I :
"I encourage everyone (specially those who stay there) to send an email in protest to their corporate PR person in Spain: concha.ramos@iberostar.com or to the General Manager of IB Cozumel Axel Paskel: dir.cozumel@iberostar.com.mx "

No answer as of yet.:(

I just now got a reply and it said my email was undeliverable because it was "blocked" at the receiving end !!!!!!!! Did this happen to anyone else?
As divers, our most effective weapon is how and where we choose to spend our disposable income. We are particularly empowered during periods of economic downturn such as exists now. Retailers, restaurants, hotels and even dive operators are forced to chase a reduced number of potential customers so as to preserve a reasonable bottom line and keep the wolves from the door. Hotel occupancy is down around the globe and Cozumel is not isolated in this regard. Few, if any, hotels will enjoy 100% occupancy except perhaps over a few short peak periods during high season.

Imagine the impact of the Iberostar losing even as few as 100 bookings over the course of a year. At an average of $1000.00 per person/per week this would represent of loss of $100,000.00 of gross revenue. Based on the early postings on this, a brand new thread, that would not be unrealistic and could be substantially greater. By voting with our feet (take your fins off as you will fall on your face!) we do have an opportunity to force a change in this policy. This can only happen if divers keep up the pressure, follow through with their commitments to book accommodation elsewhere and to post their objections on other forums beyond ScubaBoard (Trip Advisor…etc.) It may also mean some work in digging up valid email addresses to send our comments to the Iberostar Group. My emails have not yet bounced back but I have also tried a different one at: vol@iberostar.com and will see what happens.

I do believe the other Cozumel dive operators are also part of this fight and must band together to advise clients that they will not pick up from the Iberostar dock. If all of the more popular dive operators steadfastly boycott the Iberostar and tell their guests why this is being done then it is possible that this is a fight that can be won.

As you follow the posts on ScubaBoard it is quite clear that a large percentage of repeat visitors to Cozumel place loyalty to one or another particular dive operator above all else…including where they choose to lay their head. All of us need to let the Iberostar management (both local and corporate) know that we won’t be willing to stop diving with “_______________” (insert your favorite op name) in order to stay at their hotel. Perhaps our pressure will compell them to finally clear their foggy corporate mask!
Good question Pidgie. I will be staying at Aura in late march. I would glady swim to the boat and climb up the ladder to keep from paying the 3 dollar fee. Heck

If you're staying at Aura, you can walk down to the pier at the beach club just south of the resort. You can get on the boat there for free. We were staying at the Sabor last year, and that's what we ended up doing, because we refused to pay. It was only a 5 minute walk down the beach from the main Wyndham property, so from the Aura it's even closer.
has there been any progress on having this reversed?
As a business owner and a diver I see both sides of this. On the business side, from the resorts point of view... Mom and Pop dive ops are making their livings by picking clients up at a pier paid for by the resort and yet they are all up in arms when the owner of that property expects a small fee for the use of it. Meanwhile, if I want to rent a BC from such a dive op, they will charge me 4 times as much as the dock fee per day. The pier cost roughly four times what that boat, motor and all the scuba gear in it are worth and yet the fee to use it is less than the tip to the DM for one tank of diving. Seems very reasonable to me, especially since you are not only using their pier...but you are a competitor to their onsite dive op. Assuming of course that that fee is still the few bucks it was when this was discussed a few months ago.

The sense of entitlement that some dive ops show in which they appear to sincerely believe that they have the right to use a pier that they didn't pay for, don't maintain and if a hurricane destroys it will not help to rebuild amazes me. You don't own it. Simply tell your clients to take a taxi to your pier (if you own one). I would take a taxi to Aldora's pier without hesitation if they asked me to do so.

I got a massage at my resort on our last trip after some blue water motoring for a spear fishing trip trashed my back...the hotel charges the massage company 30% of the massage fee. You know what I call that? The price of doing business.

As a diver...no, I don't want to pay to use a pier. I pay a dive op for that. They are making money from me, by picking me up on that pier. So increase your cost by $3 a day for those staying at the places that charge these fees and stop being so dramatic about it. You don't own the pier. Just like I don't own your boat...and I won't complain and ask for an email campaign if you want to charge me for the use of it.

I've stayed at Iberostar. While there I dove with Dressel and Blue XT Sea. Each had it's benefits. The Dressel boat had many more people in it, but it was a nicer boat, the DM was a fun guy, the Nitrox was free and I enjoyed the dives. I would dive with them again......if Aldora's fleet was completely destroyed in a Hurricane and Memo couldn't find a row boat for me to row us out to the reef in. :) Would I choose several other ops over Dressel? Well yeah....

Point being...Dressel isn't as bad as they are being made out to be here and a resort who builds a 6 figure (american dollars) pier, maintains it and replaces it in the event it is destroyed.....can charge whatever they want to whomever they want. They own it. If you don't wish to use it, then don't use it but asserting your rights to make money by using their property for free....come on, seriously? It's just silly.

Yes, the client paid for the use of the resort...but they didn't pay for YOUR use of the pier....to make a living from....in competition with the resort.

I find it highly unlikely that anyone staying at a place like Iberostar is going to change those reservations based on $3 a day that their two boat dive op can't afford. The standard tip for two tanks is more than triple that. Iberostar isn't exactly inexpensive, so that fee will likely just be paid by the client and forgotten about or they will change dive ops to someone a bit less dramatic and a bit more business minded who just rolls the cost into their overhead and adjusts their fees accordingly. That dive op change, or the worry that it could happen is more than likely what the real worry is here.

Just my 2 pesos...worth what you paid for it.
That's all logical Bill but you can also look at it this way - if Iberostar didn't build the pier in the first place they wouldn't have so many divers staying on their property. That pier brings in a lot more money for them in the long run than it cost them to build it. They shouldn't expect other companies to pay for that value-add to their property. Too many companies these days expect to not have to pay the cost of doing business. Here in the US it's gotten so ridiculous you have phone companies charging their customers for the privilege of getting a bill so they can pay for the service.

And if these hotels are successful at implementing this policy over the long term, they certainly won't stop at charging for use of the pier... a new set of fees are just over the horizon for whatever they can think up next. Take a look at airlines for a perfect example of where we're heading.
I would have to agree with deltawardog here. One can say that the Iberostar built and maintains the pier and it is only right that they charge for offsite ops using it. But what about the drive and entrance to the Iberostar?, the Iberostar has onsite auto rentals, will they charge taxis and guests if they get picked up for a ride into town or charge a fee for the use of the parking lot if you rented a vehicle offsite vs the inhouse rental agency? It just comes down to bad business. But again the resorts guests will ultimately be the determining factor on what they will tolerate and if they will take there vacation dinero elsewhere.

To me it's the fact that they list the place as an ALL INCLUSIVE, with free use of NON MOTORIZED watersports toys. There isn't an exemption to pier use in the advertising, so those who had booked knowing that their chosen dive op could pick them up without hastle suddenly got caught in the squeeze. I've recommended this property many times on a few different forums, plus I've stayed there & dove with Dressel. Until I know what's going on & how inconvenient it will get I'm not going to recommend it without also making a point of telling the story that there may be additional costs for who knows what once you arrive. If you sell it as all inclusive then make it all inclusive. If not then let the people know what's not included, why, and whether options are available that will still fit the guest's needs.
I was thinking, and the wife always says I get myself in trouble when I think:wink:

Seems like the reason most of the hotels say they have to charge the fee is to repair & maintain the docks. Why can't the Marine Park just initiate another fee just for that purpose....they already have the $2 marine park fees. If they had all ops collect that fee on every diver and it went into a general pool, they would build up a sizeable repair fund for the times when a hurricane destroys several docks as Wilma did. In the long run, this would also provide safer docks for everyone. Seems like the going rate is $3/diver and I would gladly pay this for the convenience(and it is a convenience) of having any dive op I wanted to use, pick me up at any hotel I wanted to stay at. Even with the fees, it is still much cheaper to dive Cozumel than just about anywhere else in the world that has the quality of diving found there.

Now, if that is not the real reason.......never mind:D

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