I'm going to call BS on this! Not intending to be confrontational, just pragmatic.
Just to become a completely standard recreational instructor probably costs a person around $10k. To become a tech or cave instructor you can add at least that again - more if you want to do it properly.
Add in to that the cost of all the dives you do in order to get the breadth of experience to be a *good* instructor.... the insurance, the gear and everything else.... the investment is easily $50k in total.
You need to generate sufficient income to make a return on that investment. Otherwise you are crazy.
Teaching "for the love of it" is ultimately what drives lowering of standards. The industry comes to expect that instructors should work for less than the minimum wage. So the instructors end up putting in minimal effort once the "joy" of teaching fades... which for a full time instructor is about 6 months, part time maybe 2 years.
The bottom line, really, is that if you don't value your time then neither will your students.
It's not going to cost me a penny out of pocket. It's the only reason I'm considering it. Money isn't everything. I learned that in the last three years. Doing something you enjoy for the sake of enjoyment and not the sake of the almighty buck is a powerful thing. 99% of people will never understand that. And quite honestly, neither would I have, had it not been for last year. This is getting way off topic, but... 3 years ago (almost 4 now), I built 87 houses. I had a butt ton of money (a metric butt ton, not an imperial butt ton). I lost it all, and after searching far and wide for a job for more than 22 months, I was offered a job doing something I believed in, teaching something I believed in. Instead of making $1000/day, I was now making that every two weeks, if I was lucky. But here's the interesting thing... For the first time in my life... I liked my job. I looked forward to going in everyday. I missed it on my days off. And it never felt like work because I truly loved being there. Most people will never get to experience that feeling.
So call BS if you want, but the people who really know me, and have seen the evidence of what I've encountered this past year cannot deny the change I've had. And it doesn't matter how much or how little money you make in this world. If you wife and kids don't like you, you've failed at life.
It was my thread, I guess I can derail it if i want to.