I have just purchased a hookah setup. This is what my scuba instructor used: 2 60ft hoses. A regulator setup using 2 secondaries. All equipment used/refurbished. Original goal was to use 2 such setups with 4 hoses total. Unfortunately even when used it was waaay out of my budget. To solve that idea I had him flip my octo over to the other side and also attach a left handed octo to my own setup. I am going to have my little sisters breathe off my tank and my parents off hookah setup. We do not plan to dive deeper than 25-30ft.
Exact setup is as follows:
Sherwood regulator with 2 second stage sherwood pieces. All equipment used and refurbished
2 60 ft clear with weave hookah hoses.
1 left handed octo added to my setup
4 additional masks
4 weight belts
4 fins (2 adult 2 kid)
I took it to blue grotto in florida to test it out between my dives.
Following things were tested:
Breathing at 15ft and breathing at 30ft
Breathing came naturally actually even slightly better than from my own setup.
I have also tested my own setup to which I added left handed octo. I tested it at 60ft, 40ft and 30ft. One octo was behaving fine and other one I had to apply a little more effort into. Upon return from the dive I dropped it off the dive shop for some tune up. My trainer adjusted flow in both octos.
Now I wont lie. There was an issue of entanglement. Not of me in the hookah equipment but hookah equipment itself. My trainer advised that I swam out and sank. Without a dive belt it was pretty much impossible so I had to physically grab on to stone and rocks in blue grotto and eventually ended up on the first submerged platform holding on while someone up above sorted out 2 hoses being entangled. They coiled against each other but flow was not restricted. Also I was trying to swim with 2 hoses at the same time so that is why they got tangled in the first place. I figure problem could be solved by having hoses hang from either side of the boat or using duct tape and hold hoses together first 30ft or so and have them separate on bottom.
I wont lie, even with used gear it was not cheap. My trainer asked me not to reveal prices locally but I did not pinky promise externally so... Total came out to $1200 for everything. That includes belts, masks, fins, equipment, additions to my gear etc.
Now I could have bought things on craigslist but honestly I can not entrust a DIY item that someone is selling enough to have my own family breathe off it.
Hose cost like a truck. Pissed me off actually. $2ft which in my opinion is a steep price to pay. That alone prevented me from getting 2 such setups. Now dont get me wrong I could have gone with 1 hose and a Y splitter and 2 15ft hoses but I did not want to put all my eggs into 1 basket if you know what I mean. In case 1 hose gets cut I still have a backup plan. It just adds a certain level of comfort. More importantly down the road if for whatever reason I will decide to split this setup... I will have 2 hoses (ie if my family wants to get certified down the road I could probably get some money by selling this thing to help cover future scuba expenses).
Everything is bulky. It takes a good long while to put everything away. Just yesterday when packing for the trip it took me 5 minutes to coil up both hoses. Until I get things squared away I am storing all of this in a large ice cooler.