I would like to buy dive gear but dont have enough money too =(

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i do not think the sting rays would mind.

If they did i would be with Steve Irwin right now :shocked:
My appologies to everyone about the double post. My browser froze part way through.
Hmm Fire, I was way off on the DD's.......I had something else in mind.....44 DD's and im not talking tanks.

and I am just curious how old are you Brett? Im guessing 15?
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...and its finally over!
I think you meant comma, not coma. Funny how every person who has corrected the OP's english has made serious grammatical and spelling errors in their posts!!:rofl3:

I'm not sure if anyone caught this, because I just can't bring myself to read the whole thread. "Every person" is a singular reference, and as such, needs a singular posessive pronoun. The corrected version of your correction would read:

....every person who has corrected the OP's English (capitalized) has made serious errors in his posts..."

Lets face it, we all suck at English!

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