I would like to buy dive gear but dont have enough money too =(

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What you don't think Puff would sound good as Rear Admiral Puff? :huh: :D
What you don't think Puff would sound good as Rear Admiral Puff? :huh: :D

mr. pf is an amazing puffer fish through and through may he be an inmate, an admiral, or simply a fish.

what was ur question? :blinking:
Sorry Brett, I can't help you with your name. I had my friends help me with mine.

As for your gear, it really is a personal choice what to buy first. I decided to go with my personal gear first. I started with my wet suit as I had the cash for it. (I tried no to think about how many people peed in the rental ones) I bought a dry suit next because I found a great deal on it. If I hadn't my second piece of gear would have been my regulator. That is next on my list, then my BCD. BCD's are like jackets not a terribly personal item and I don’t mind renting for the time being.

Before you buy your gear, you need to think about what kind of diving you are planning on doing. As I understand it, spit fins are no good for cave and wreck diving as they cant do 4 of the 5 basic kick cycles need for tech style diving. (I wish I knew that before I bought mine) Same goes for the BCD. If you are only going to be looking at the fish, then a basic BCD will work fine. IF you want something more technical, you should consider a back plate and wing. These are used because they have fewer straps and such to get caught. Another point for a black plate and wing is that they are fully customizable so you get exactly what you want.

If you are thinking that you want a commercial BCD, you should check with your local shop to see if you can rent a back inflate BCD. A back inflate BCD has much different trim under water compared to a jacket BCD, but it is much less stable when swimming on the surface.

You should also check your phone book and try and visit a few dive shops as I found each shop carries a different assortment of gear. I made a day of it one Saturday. While you are there, talk to the staff. I found most to be very helpful and, as long as the shop isn’t busy, quite willing to give advice and suggestions.

As for computers, you really want to do your homework. They have so many features you need to know what is important to you. I wanted one that I could down load to my computer, so I limited my search that way.

Some things to consider when looking for a computer; tank pressure, compass, wrist mount, console mount, air integration, nitrox, tri gas. I would recommend a computer with a large display because if you are diving in murky water it will be easier to read.

If the grammar police want to rake me over the coals, go ahead. I already know I can't spell and have lousy English. That’s why I do what I do. Numbers and spell checker are my best friends.

P.S. I know of 3 shops in the Vancouver that rent dive computers.
THe Anchor:
Sorry Brett, I can't help you with your name. I had my friends help me with mine.

As for your gear, it really is a personal choice what to buy first. I decided to go with my personal gear first. I started with my wet suit as I had the cash for it. (I tried no to think about how many people peed in the rental ones) I bought a dry suit next because I found a great deal on it. If I hadn't my second piece of gear would have been my regulator. That is next on my list, then my BCD. BCD's are like jackets not a terribly personal item and I don’t mind renting for the time being.

Before you buy your gear, you need to think about what kind of diving you are planning on doing. As I understand it, spit fins are no good for cave and wreck diving as they cant do 4 of the 5 basic kick cycles need for tech style diving. (I wish I knew that before I bought mine) Same goes for the BCD. If you are only going to be looking at the fish, then a basic BCD will work fine. IF you want something more technical, you should consider a back plate and wing. These are used because they have fewer straps and such to get caught. Another point for a black plate and wing is that they are fully customizable so you get exactly what you want.

If you are thinking that you want a commercial BCD, you should check with your local shop to see if you can rent a back inflate BCD. A back inflate BCD has much different trim under water compared to a jacket BCD, but it is much less stable when swimming on the surface.

You should also check your phone book and try and visit a few dive shops as I found each shop carries a different assortment of gear. I made a day of it one Saturday. While you are there, talk to the staff. I found most to be very helpful and, as long as the shop isn’t busy, quite willing to give advice and suggestions.

As for computers, you really want to do your homework. They have so many features you need to know what is important to you. I wanted one that I could down load to my computer, so I limited my search that way.

Some things to consider when looking for a computer; tank pressure, compass, wrist mount, console mount, air integration, nitrox, tri gas. I would recommend a computer with a large display because if you are diving in murky water it will be easier to read.

If the grammar police want to rake me over the coals, go ahead. I already know I can't spell and have lousy English. That’s why I do what I do. Numbers and spell checker are my best friends.

P.S. I know of 3 shops in the Vancouver that rent dive computers.

Thanks and now that youve told me all of that i will rent around and see what is good for me

Thank you the anchor
dive master brett:
is Sting Ray Brett a good name?

i do not think the sting rays would mind.
Sorry Brett, I can't help you with your name. I had my friends help me with mine.

As for your gear, it really is a personal choice what to buy first. I decided to go with my personal gear first. I started with my wet suit as I had the cash for it. (I tried no to think about how many people peed in the rental ones) I bought a dry suit next because I found a great deal on it. If I hadn't my second piece of gear would have been my regulator. That is next on my list, then my BCD. BCD's are like jackets not a terribly personal item and I don’t mind renting for the time being.

Before you buy your gear, you need to think about what kind of diving you are planning on doing. As I understand it, spit fins are no good for cave and wreck diving as they cant do 4 of the 5 basic kick cycles need for tech style diving. (I wish I knew that before I bought mine) Same goes for the BCD. If you are only going to be looking at the fish, then a basic BCD will work fine. IF you want something more technical, you should consider a back plate and wing. These are used because they have fewer straps and such to get caught. Another point for a black plate and wing is that they are fully customizable so you get exactly what you want.

If you are thinking that you want a commercial BCD, you should check with your local shop to see if you can rent a back inflate BCD. A back inflate BCD has much different trim under water compared to a jacket BCD, but it is much less stable when swimming on the surface.

You should also check your phone book and try and visit a few dive shops as I found each shop carries a different assortment of gear. I made a day of it one Saturday. While you are there, talk to the staff. I found most to be very helpful and, as long as the shop isn’t busy, quite willing to give advice and suggestions.

As for computers, you really want to do your homework. They have so many features you need to know what is important to you. I wanted one that I could down load to my computer, so I limited my search that way.

Some things to consider when looking for a computer; tank pressure, compass, wrist mount, console mount, air integration, nitrox, tri gas. I would recommend a computer with a large display because if you are diving in murky water it will be easier to read.

Also, check for deals on equipment. I found one shop that was selling tanks for $290 but that included 25 fills. with fills running to $10 each, that reduces the tank cost to $40 and I know that the hydro is good for 5 years and the vis for one.

If the grammar police want to rake me over the coals, go ahead. I already know I can't spell and have lousy English. That’s why I do what I do. Numbers and spell checker are my best friends.

P.S. I know of 3 shops in the Vancouver that rent dive computers.
But capitalize some of it and make Stingray one word. . . :D :rofl3: Aren't you glad you asked :D :D :D

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