Mr Carcharodon
Somehow thelooses its effectiveness when your post contains multiple factual errors. I don't know what the air force standard is for cabin pressure, but 1000' altitude equivalent is not a lower pressure than 8000' in any case, its a lot higher pressure. Anyway Air Force air crew requirements are bound to be very different from commercial airline flight passenger requirements. I would guess many Air Force plans are not pressurized at all, with the additional weight and chance of catastrophic decompression in battle.
Good points. The pressure change due to going from sea level to 1000 feet is the same as changing depth in sea water by 2 feet. Does anyone seriously think that a 2 foot change in depth is a decisive factor in getting bent or not? Going from sea level to 8000 feet altitude is like changing depth by 8.5 feet. A big enough change that it could be significant if you tacked it onto to the end of a dive, but 22 hours later?