I survived Ivan

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Reaction score
Florida Panhandle
# of dives
200 - 499
See this thread for some pictures:

During the night we lost power, phones, and cable. We ran on generator until this afternoon. Water went out before noon and was back around 6 pm. Phones were still dead when I left at 7 pm.

In general not too great an amount of damage. Shingles off roofs, awnings blown away, trees down, power lines down, a lot of beach gone back to the sea - no collapsed buildings or upside down vehicles.

Got home to find minimal damage. Many trees down, some siding off the house, some shingles off the roof with minimal leaks. Power, water, and phone all working. No TV - anybody got a recount of what hit the Destin area and when?

Still have curfews in the area - midbay bridge is the only one open. 331 bridge closed - debris on the north side. Destin bridge closed - Okaloosa Island flooded. Sink holes reported on Hwy 20 between White point road and Freeport.

That's all I know for now - hope SuPrBuGmAn is OK.
Thanks for the head up Yoda, glad your ok :wink:
Glad to be home with you guys!
Glad you made it back ok. So, when you gonna go see how the Destin jetties faired! :wink:
Great to hear you are ok, any others checked in so far (on cell phones or by other means)??
We're also ok here in Andalusia, AL ...

We still don't have any power or water at home, but I work for the electric company and we have power and full communications restored here at headquarters.

It's a mess out there. At our house here in Andalusia we lost a lot of shingles from the house and part of the roof over the carport. There were massive limbs and trees down all over the place, along with telephone poles split in two or cracked midway up and leaning at odd angles. We still have ice-chests full of ice, and lots of non-perishable provisions and a few gallons of drinking water.

Tomorrow we're heading down to our house in Pensacola to see what things look like there and if anything is salvageable. We're really not looking forward to it.

At this point I would love a nice bath, but we're managing. At least we still have a home to go back to in the evenings. My heart and prayers go out to everyone out there who doesn't.

EDIT: After re-reading this ... I just wanted to specify that I work for the computer department of the electric company. I don't know the difference between a watt and a volt - I'm just the guy responsible for making sure folks get power bills every month - so I'm not on any of the line crews out there working 24/7 with little sleep and the very dangerous task of re-energizing the power-grid. Those guys have it rough, and are most certainly not taking a Saturday off to check on personal property.
Glad to hear you are OK. I'm in Montgomery and had no damage at all but the neighborhood lost a lot of trees--most falling away from homes, amazingly enough. my Mom and sister are in Pensacola and both had minor, minor damage to mobile homes, but everyone is OK.

Hope your property didn't suffer as bad as the news makes it look!


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