I need me some new fins...

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just got my new ones yesterday after my 30 year old ones gave out at the weekend

Have they changed much in 30 years? Or is the design still pretty much the same?

I guess I wouldn't get any pretty colors, huh? I feel much more comfortable in a nice color. :D

About how much do they cost?
I just bought a pair of mares volo power fins, and they are GREAT..

Sorry, I finally tried a pair of Volos last week and they are the WORST fins I have used for years. Whoever's idea to put a hinge in a fin should be shot. I did some good hard kicks the fins bent in the middle and I went nowhere, it was like an underwater excercycle.
i was thrilled to see someone mention the cressi brand.

Just got those in the store and I think I need to try a pair, I used to love the full foot freefrog.

Let us know how they go Shaka.

after my 30 year old ones gave out at the weekend

I guess that means my Fallaron lightweight jets still have another eight years or so. Still the best fin I ever used. Like the SP jets, but lighter, thinner and more streamlined.
Have they changed much in 30 years? Or is the design still pretty much the same?

I guess I wouldn't get any pretty colors, huh? I feel much more comfortable in a nice color. :D

About how much do they cost?

New Jets are exactly like the old Jets, Less the lightning bolt. Wonderful fins and they are not very expensive.
Have they changed much in 30 years? Or is the design still pretty much the same?

I guess I wouldn't get any pretty colors, huh? I feel much more comfortable in a nice color. :D

About how much do they cost?

No change at all, yes only black. Got them from LP $75 3 day delivery
No change at all, yes only black. Got them from LP $75 3 day delivery

MMMMM, I guess I could try to compensate with color elsewhere.........any preference on bootie style or brand? I don't like to shop so I'd like to be able to nail this with a minimum of store time. :ssst: even though it is a scuba shop.
I want them easy on/easy off.
MMMMM, I guess I could try to compensate with color elsewhere.........any preference on bootie style or brand? I don't like to shop so I'd like to be able to nail this with a minimum of store time. :ssst: even though it is a scuba shop.
I want them easy on/easy off.

I can not help there, I would go to a LDS for the easy on /easy off (hope we are still talking dive equipment) :wink:
Why not look into a rubberized paint and color your fins in your own style ?
I have jet fins,and tusa xpert zooms. I use the jets as backups. After using just the jets for the last 5 dives, (lost clip on tusa's) when I got back in those split fins, what a difference!! It might just be my technique but the splits seem to propel me with less effort. Give them a try, they don't seem to be as hard on my legs/ ankles. (i'm not small, 6'1" and 240 lbs) hope this helps!!
For some a fin is fashion statement, it must be colour co-ordinated and have the right label. Fins are a compromise, width gives you stability and turning power, whilst length gives speed. A longer fin will give you more speed but the fin requires greater exertion. This may give you cramp or be tiring on the longer dive. Rubber is heavier and more abrasion resistant than plastic polymers. Split fins are like an overdrive, good cruising speed, low revs, but no kick down acceleration responce. Kick-down is useful to drive yourself out of the water and up over the side of a boat. I use jet fin clones. They only come in black and are made of heavy rubber, they don't float and give me good trim without ankle weights. My fins were cheap and abrasive resistant. Sometimes with rubber fins the curing or mix is not 100%, I have seen some where the foot pocket has split. They turn nice with good stability, I move slower than I would with longer fins but I can use them for 4 hour dives without getting cramp. I'd like to try the Scuba-pro jets which are slightly longer, but they are more than twice the price.
I've been diving SP Jets w/springs for about my last 130 dives and I just love them
I'm still new to this with just over 180 dives so I'm far from being an expert.
Yesturday my Daughter and I swapped fins for the first time to do a steep shore dive so she could don on her fins fast.
After we kicked out a ways she stopped and said "hey these rock".
I did rather poorly using hers and I kick out as good as most.
She let me know that that was the first time she ever out kicked me and now wants her own.
I did this with my regular buddy 2 weeks ago and I sucked to the point of being frusterated trying to feel comftorble in a set of splits.
Jets work for me.

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