I need ideas for a good practical joke!

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Stick a Tennis ball in their BC pocket before a deep dive. Makes a nice pop on the way back up.
Food coloring in the booties is always good for a few laughs after a dive. Another I've seen is putting hot sauce in someone's mouthpiece but you need to make sure they can handle it and that they do their pre-dive check. I like the writing on the bottom of the tank. HA!
Chocolate "gold" coins in the sand at a wreck site. No matter who sees them, someone will break dive ettiquete and smuggle some to the surface hidden in their b.c. After a while in a pocket at the surface they start to melt and....
hi morecowbells- please dont mess with your friends gear in any way shape or form. I think taking the time to put a blow up doll on the boat would be funny and get rid of boredom on the boat. The reason I state this is diving as you know is a very serious sport. Concentration should not be on anything but the dive. Things get left behind, checks get forgotten, air maybe not turned on. You probably feel comfortable with diving but putting an outside task to diving is not something any diver should do. I am not trying to be a spoil sport. It's the same telling someone not to touch a turtle. It is something that should not be done WHILE diving. Besides you cant laugh without flooding your mask. lol. ps if you put hot sauce on my regs as foolishly suggested and we dove the same dive you would find out where I hide my knife. Cause at 15-20ft your air line would spring a leak. (just kidding of course)(maybe not).
I really do see humor in many things, but I'm still trying to "get" the humor in screwing around with someones life support equipment. Or expensive dive gear, for that matter (ink in a dive boot???) Jeeze!
Should go over great w/ the crew who has to clean the boat

And putting hot sauce in in a reg - do you actually need it spelled out why this is a really bad idea????

Besides being dumb, some of these ideas are dangerous. Should be focusing on the dive and its preparations - think how bad you would feel if even you were 1% or 5% responsible for an accident - they do happen. And lets not forget about the legal ramifications in todays society, b/c if there is a problem, you can bet you are going to have an issue.

I feel strongly about this issue (bet you could'nt tell), because I still remember an incident in the recent past when we had a diver die and had to retrieve his body from 90 feet and transport it back to shore - no "jokes" were involved, but it does change your perspective on what can happen and troubles me to this day.

But don't take my word for it - talk to anyone on the boat when, in another incident, a diver by the name of "Little John" was taken to the chamber and later died (this was in Jupiter FL, as was my incident a couple of years before) - I will bet you they share my feelings.
I sort of like Alka-Selttzer (sp?) in a BCD pocket.

Chocolate "gold" coins in the sand at a wreck site. No matter who sees them, someone will break dive ettiquete and smuggle some to the surface hidden in their b.c. After a while in a pocket at the surface they start to melt and....

Alka-Seltzer seems like it'd be fun... of course it'd react as soon as they hit the water at the surface.

Fake gold coins would be funny too.... I can see someone bringing them up all excited only to learn they are filled with chocolate!.

I've got a agree that putting hot sauce in someone regulator is not a good idea. While it's likely to be noticed on the surface or quickly on descent, having to abort a dive they paid for on a boat because of hot sauce would piss most folks off. Some folks could be allergic to hot peppers (in the sauce) also.
I'm with you on the "screwing about with life support gear". These things start harmless but easily escalate, especially when planned over apres dive lubricants!!

I'm going shopping for an indelible marker and a bag of gold coins though! Too funny!

I often swim over to a friend and open a small bag of cat biscuits behind them. Ever had two hundred and fifty Sgt Majors creep up on you?
I really do see humor in many things, but I'm still trying to "get" the humor in screwing around with someones life support equipment. Or expensive dive gear, for that matter (ink in a dive boot???) Jeeze!
Should go over great w/ the crew who has to clean the boat

And putting hot sauce in in a reg - do you actually need it spelled out why this is a really bad idea????

Besides being dumb, some of these ideas are dangerous. Should be focusing on the dive and its preparations - think how bad you would feel if even you were 1% or 5% responsible for an accident - they do happen. And lets not forget about the legal ramifications in todays society, b/c if there is a problem, you can bet you are going to have an issue.

I feel strongly about this issue (bet you could'nt tell), because I still remember an incident in the recent past when we had a diver die and had to retrieve his body from 90 feet and transport it back to shore - no "jokes" were involved, but it does change your perspective on what can happen and troubles me to this day.

But don't take my word for it - talk to anyone on the boat when, in another incident, a diver by the name of "Little John" was taken to the chamber and later died (this was in Jupiter FL, as was my incident a couple of years before) - I will bet you they share my feelings.

Can't be stated better than that Jupiter 31. Anything detracting from a safe dive should not be done. :no:

There's lost of time for "fun" apres dive:eyebrow:
An idea of finding fake gold coins or jewels, and then getting everyone to believe it once back on the boat is not too bad. But then, I would not want a fellow diver to be wasting their dive looking for treasures that are not there. There are just too many natural treasures of corals and marine life to enjoy. However, overall, I will vote NO to practical jokes that take place during a dive. As much as some of the ideas seem innocent I would really hate to think that an unsuspecting person would become distracted even for moment and in turn have something horrible happen. There are plenty of spontaneous funny things that happen while diving that keep things interesting. I will also say that the Hot sauce on the reg idea really scares me as I am allergic to Capsicum. Having large blisters form in my mouth and my airway closing up is not good thing at anytime, especially while diving. As with many people who have allergic reactions, the effect can be instantaneous or take a little time to respond. Also, many people are unaware of food or substance allergies until something happens. Keep the jokes to topside. Just MMHO......Sue
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