I love these new products...

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Hnladue.... Try to not be so hard on yourself... Don't let rude comments of others tear you down... I am not particularly happy with my body image at the present myself, but I know what kind of person I am and that is what makes me beautiful... If "they" can't see that in you then move on, "they" aren't worthy of your time and effort... Hold your head up girl and smile to the world... It will speak volumes...

Now... As far as products, I can't think of anything new and different that I have tried that hasen't already been mentioned... I can however, comment of some that have...

Intuition shaver... Although I have tried it and I like it, I find that it wears down pretty fast and once it does it is hard to use... The refills aren't cheap! But then again, none are...

Listerine mouth freshner waffers... OK, I guess this is different... Has anyone tried the cinnamon ones? Different people make them but one that does for sure is Altoid people... YUM!

And... speaking of Altoids... I have tried the tangerine ones and love them... I like the citrus flavor sour ones also... You won't find me without them in my purse... I like sour!

Fun thread by the way...
OK... I lied.... I did think of something that I like using that is fairly new....

Oil of Olay's new line.... I love using the serum on my face... It is nice and light and a little goes a long way... It seems so expensive, at close to $18-20 dollars for a small bottle... But, it is often on sale at places like Target... I buy when it is on sale to stock up... It really does last long, I haven't gone through the first bottle yet...

And... one more note... I have tried the "long lasting" lipsticks... Even bought one from a girl at the salon I go to... Good thing I was able to get my money back if not satisfied... WOW that stuff sure dries out your lips... It is sticky if you don't keep appling the over coat and my lips would actually peel from it... Just my opinion... It may not happen with everyone...

I guess traditionally I've always gone for the natural look and never made much of an effort . . . .changed my attitude on this only recently.
I met someone who tries so hard to make the best out of what he has, including his looks, the end result is that he looks and is fantastic. I was so impressed at what's he's achieved that it's inspired me to just make that extra effort to make the most of what I have. And I really enjoy it because it benefits and improves me. It's a good time in my life to be making the most of my looks - I've decided that the last couple of years of my twenties are going to be glamorous ones :jessica:
You must tell us your new secrets to becoming glamorous!

My new find for this week ..
Diet Vanilla Coke. I just found it in the cans ..love it. I've never been a big pop drinker, but this stuff is good.
Natasha and Annie- I can go from "ultra low maintenance boat chick" to "ultra high maintenance glam chick" in about 2.2 minutes- just ask my bf :)
How? Do tell!

PS. Who's your BF? ;)
Kudos to Chickdiver!!!

To make that transisition is tough. So I opt for the Ultra low mantainace route. I don't even take a brush on the boat with me!! I asked the b/f if he liked the "ocean wet, wind blown, no brush in sight diver babe" look and he said he did so I will stick with it! :) I don't wear makeup anyway so he's used to it. When we go out to dinner after a day on the boat all I do is wash/blow dry my hair and put on a sarong and tank top...some nice sandal type shoes and voila!!! PARTY TIME!!! LOLOL

Laurel--Queen of the Frogs
OHDiver...I agree that this is a fun thread. I am in the Women Only forum and am thoroughly enjoying the thread here. I am enjoying this thread more than most of the other threads. Hmm...

*needs a woman*

Natasha once bubbled...
How? Do tell!

PS. Who's your BF? ;)

short hair designed for the windblown look, waterproof mascara, lip gloss. OH- and perfectly manicured nails - ALWAYS (they are acrylic).

And you know who it is! ;)
I also wear acrylic nails. Being new to diving I am having a hard time with them though. I was constanly hitting them or pulling them causing my fingers to hurt. I was going to remove them but the b/f insisted that I don't. So I shortened them quite a bit and the saving grace is that I taught myself to do them on my own so when I break or one gets water logged I can fix it at my convienience.

Ain't being a girl great???


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