I love these new products...

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It's nice to know *someone* appreciates the pains we go through to look fabulous. :D

(it hurts, true, but what an endorphin rush afterward).
I definitely appreciate it but from what I've learned so far in life, most guys don't deserve all this. I like to think that I do but there just so many asses in the world it's hard to believe that there are any that deserve all of this. This is just one more topic that makes me glad to be a man and earns women more respect in my eyes because, you probably won't see a man go through the stuff you women go through and still smile. Hats off to ya! :)
I really don't think we are "going through all this" for men.
I know I'm not!
Everything I do is because I want to do it.
I personally want whiter teeth so I did buy the tooth paste Raven said worked for her (Pepsident with whitening)
And I don't recall who said they liked Pearls, but I bought that too, because if it works, then so be it!
As for hair removal, I personally, like Jersey, HATE body hair on myself.
But, hey that's just me. I'm not taking it off for a man. I'm taking it off because I don't like it. I feel cleaner without it.

And I like cleansing cloths that someone else mentioned, and I just found the Burt bee's line so that's next.

I think most of us will also tell you they are not doing this for a man!
What are men? What am supposed to do with them?? I used to know at one time, but it's been so long, all I hear now is that I'm too short too fat and too ugly.....I can't even look at myself without feeling depressed.

I hate body hair too, and I love waxing but I can't do it too myself and I can't afford to have someone else do it. So razors it is! I need/have to do something for myself to feel better about myself. Something to make me feel pretty. I got 2 little tattoos. My parents were really mad(my dad called my sick!) but when I look at them they are pretty and that's something on me that's pretty. Besides I can hide them really well!!

I love hearing about what other people are using. I'm up to trying new things and (excuse me for being a little selfish) but if it makes me feel better then everything is better! So I may not have had a date in over 3 years, but I can still do things that someone might say I am doing for a guy, but really I do them for myself!:out:
Forgive me for saying that all women do this for the men. At least around here where I come from, it's hard to find a person, much less a female, that dresses without trying to impress someone. A lot of them here think that they have to do these things and wear 5 pounds of make-up to impress a guy. I actually prefer to see a women like they really are because honestly, looks aren't the first on the list for me. If you do it because you want to for yourself, then more power to you. :) It's just that most guys here (my hometown, not scubaboard) and everywhere care more about the stupider things in life so I think it makes women feel that they have to work harder to impress the guy when she really just needs to find a guy who will love her for who she is. Me and a friend came up with a quote a long time ago that unfortunately speaks the truth in most cases.

"Beauty and love are wasted on asses."

The asses would be the guys who don't understand the importance of a good woman and don't them when they have one. Idiots. :)
Your right about alot of your post. Most men and women are after beauty. It's the first thing you see and to be honest you have to be physically attracted to someone first and formost. Not all females go out of their way to make theirselves beautiful for the opposite sex. I for one don't care what a man thinks I look like. I dress for comfort and if you don't like it too bad. I don't wear makeup unless I am going someplace special. I think attitude has alot to do with it. Be comfortable with who you are. Granted I can't say I am, but I am not changing who I am for any one. Honesty is the most beautiful quality in a person in my eyes. :)
Very well said cobaltbabe. Don't change yourself for anyone. If someone doesn't like you for who you are then they aren't worth worrying about anyway. :)
I'm with Naturediver on this.

For those who do what they do for the side of the species with dangly bits - a heartfelt thank-you :)

For those who don't give a d**n about the dangly-side and do everything for themselves - good on you :D

My GF shaves as she runs behind the sofa at the mention of wax :hiding: (and she threw the epilator as far as she could :sprint: ), she started having a Brazilian after we talked about it, but she maintains it for herself, she can't imagine anything else now.

As for men waxing? What about body-builders?

A very appreciative Dom
I, too, do the wax thing and get ingrown hairs. The best 2 products I have found: Tendskin (available at Sephora.com)- it's a weak salycylic acid solution and exfoliates the area gently. Moisturizing the area is only half the battle, you have toexfoliate too. Also, a really really good pair of pointed tip tweezers for when you do get those pesky things. I recommend the slanted tip by Swisstweeze.
Don't let your dad make you feel bad about your tattoos. If they make you feel happy, that is all that matters. As a parent, he might feel that you are disfiguring yourself, and he probably thought you were more attractive without the tattoos. After all, you'll always be his little girl.

I have found a very inexpensive place to get my legs waxed. Cosmetology schools. The students do the work & then the instructor comes & checks to make sure they did a good job. As a bonus, the school I go to is right next door to my LDS. Very convenient;)

Anyone that would tell you that you are too short, fat & ugly is not worth your time. ( they are ugly on the inside ) Don't let their words hurt you. You just hold your head up high & know that you have merit & dignity and deserve better than them.

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