I'm seeking advice. We have a predatory bird problem on shrimp farms. Egrets, herons, cormorants, gulls, ducks, spoonbills, storks....lots of birds. They get educated fast if you use a shotgun and know to keep about 50 yards or so away. I need a small bore varmint rifle. I would like a 22/250 or a 223 but Belize law is pretty strict about having that caliber here. 22 magnum? What do you recommend as far as brand (Remmington? Winchester? Savage?) and model?... and a scope that's good for 150 yard shots. These birds understand death. Once they see their buddies dropping, they'll bug out....for a while. It's an ongoing battle. Thanks.
The 17 HMR sounds like a winner for your needs. The .22 mag is probably okay out to 100, maybe even 125 yards, while the HMR claims effectiveness out to 200. The HMR has about half the bullet drop of the 22 mag at 150 yards.
I like Savage bolt guns but you can go with any major mfr.