I Got a Hall Pass!!!

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Let’s see; there’s a post which annoys you. You don’t HAVE to read it, so you could ignore it. Or you could rant. You choose to rant. Personally, I might have gone the other way.

Dear Deep Sea,

I was specifically asked question about why we keep our dives groups together. I tried to reply in a comprehensive manner, which must include the reasoning behind it. I did.

Sorry you did not like it.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Diovwers

It might be helpful to remember that deepsea21 believes that 3P's is the best shop for every diver, every time, and under all circumstances.:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Does BA have TV's for those that need it?

Blue Angel does have TVs in each room.

They also have a “valet” service if you request it. They rinse, store, and remove/replace on the boat daily. I’ve used this option at least twice. There might be a small charge for this. They have very fast boats and the snorkel boat is the sluggish “party” boat, (Newton style). I’ve dove with them at least 4 times and have zero complaints. They also have various times throughout the morning that the boats go out. (Maybe not so much during low season)
If I was going to solo dive on a hall pass, I would EASILY stay at Blue Angel and dive with the op of my choice. The location, shore diving, view, pool, lots of food options close all make it a place I would LOVE to stay at. More so than the Casa Mexicana up north even.
I know you said no AI's but friends just booked 7 nights at the Allegro including 12 dives each for only $600. Can't beat that. It's almost like paying for the dives and getting the resort + food + alcohol for free.

It's not close to town but it could just be a dive vacation.
Thats almost too good to be true/pass up lol! Who is onsite dive op there?
I have been going to Cozumel since 1986 . Have around 50 trips down there. I have stayed at the Barracuda, Viilablanca, Vista Del Mar, Plaza Las Glorias (now Cozumel Palace) , Le Ceiba, El Presidente, Allegro, Occidental, Sabor, Secrets, Hotel Cozumel and a few others I have probably forgotten or they changed names.

I normally use Dive With Martin. They do a good job as I am sure most others do. They pick me up take care of my gear and allow me the freedom within reason to enjoy a safe two tank dive.

The Allegro, Occidental, El Presidente, and Le Ceiba, all have what the OP wants. The pick up at the Le Ceiba for Dive with Martin is a little early but we always were able to have our coffee and a light breakfast before the 7:30-7:40 pick up at the pier.

The southern resorts offer the later pick ups but are farther from town. I still always manage to make it into town a few nights especially Sunday. Sunday night in Cozumel on the square is my favorite outside of the wonderful dives.

I think my favorite place is the El Presidente but it is a hard choice. Put the names in a hat and draw one out you can't go wrong.
Hey Gordon-Do you know if BA has refrigerators in the rooms?
The room I always stay in does and I know many of the others do as well. I don't know for sure that all of them do, but I suspect that they do.
I know I will take heat for this statement, but personally, I avoid staying at dive resorts. Disclaimer: I have not stayed at one in Cozumel, but on another Caribbean island. Sure I may sound like a hypocrite, but I thought the other guests were obnoxious. Everybody was rushing to get their coffee and breakfast at 7 am. When hanging up my gear, some blowhard would critique my gear or ask what the lift was on my BCD or ask how much I paid for my wetsuit. When reading by the pool I had to endure listening to a anecdotes about diving to 300 feet with zero visibility etc. During dinner, some divers still wore their wetsuits, and were showing their dive profiles to anybody within an earshot. God help you if there was some obnoxious person on the boat, they will materialize next you off the boat. Sure this sounds harsh, and I am sure there are resorts in Cozumel without this mentality.

I like staying at a place where people are not in a rush to get at the same place at the same time. I have not stayed at Hotel Cozumel, but the location south of town, yet close, looks like it may fit your bill. The location of the Palmar Condos looks ideal too. Congrats on your retirement and starting off with a wonderful dive vacation.
Yes, but I have never turned it on.

Do you know or recall what a taxi to the square costs from Blue Angel? A mile walk sounds like more of a hike than the OP is after, but even at 90 pesos one way from Casa del Mar, it can be looked at as though it's about $10.50US a day on top of whatever the room costs. If Blue Angel is less than that, it's almost a no-brainer to stay there. Dock pick-up. Shore diving. The ride to the square, or wherever, is going to be quick and easy. $120 pesos, round trip, would only be about $7US on top of the room per day.
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