Dear Ya'll,
Because we have so much more extra air (50% more per tank) we continuously find that even our average divers get over 1 hour 10 minutes per tank and many times much more. That includes deep dives as well as shallow dives.
I personally feel that it is not safe for individuals, or even buddy pairs to surface willy nilly, usually without the use of a SMB. Therefore since we started in 1992 we have always kept the groups at least within sight of the DM. That is even in the PADI Dive Manual section on drift diving.
You see, there are two issues: First, the dive sites are mostly right in the middle of the high speed routes of boats going north and south and believe it or not, all captains are not attentive. I don't know the statistics now but back then being hit by an oncoming boat with serious consequences was very common.
Secondly, being alone or buddy pair on the surface while the group continues diving, offers no professional help if a health or other problem occurs. I have heard of many instances where someone has surfaced early because of discomfort only to experience a serious health issue while waiting for ANY boat to come by. The outcome is usually not good.
So staying with a highly trained DM and surfacing as a group under the DM's SMB (which our captains track) assures that you can come up safely and have our boat right there on the spot.
Now, I understand that if there is a "hoover" in the group that could shorten the dive for everyone. That is why we go through the considerable expense and maintenance associated with HP tanks. That allows us to offer very long dive times to everyone, and in the opinion of some—a safer way to dive.
If you have followed Aldora trip reports you will find some astounding dive times. IN fact just a week or so ago there was a report of 6 dives with us over a weekend going to great deep places and still having about an hour and 20 minutes average per tank.
However, if you think you paid for every molecule in the tank and demand to use it, regardless of dive time and safety then Aldora is not for you.
I hope you can think it through.
Best Regards
Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers