I find it amazing...

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I like JQ also but my favorite was FireBall XL5. I thought Venus was one hot chick but alas she came with strings attached.

Also like The Beatles cartoon (with the fake Beatles voices), it was gear.
You should feel flattered! She's jealous that you got a wife. It means that she secretly wants you. And if she spreads enough crap your wife will divorce you and she will then be free to be your love slave without getting killed by your wife. Then someone will come to your town who is your long lost brother by the father you never knew you had because he was an alien and this girl will fall for him because he is your twin even though he does not look like you. Then she will dump you for him, you and your wife will get back together and she will be pissed that you are back together. So she will try to have your alien twin brother murder you but it won't work because he is secretly in love with you so he will go to the cops, she will go to jail, and the three of you will make a bundle from the tv movie. Have a nice day.
yes, this is a big problem for women.

ok... but this is what bugs me. sometimes i can't express feelings for a woman that
is not mistaken for "coming on to her."

i went through law school with this other (female) student. i was in the
trial team, and was senior to her, so i was assigned as her coach.

i coached her. she was brilliant. she won the trial team competition that year.
she would have won no matter who her coach was, she was that good.

she told me about some personal problems she was having with her husband
and so on, and i tried to listen and be as helpful as possible.

after law school, we lost touch with each other.

i run into her. i am SO happy to see her. i'm like, what's new with you? what
have you been up to? do you want to go to out with my wife and i and catch

so later i hear she is going around telling people i have a crush on her
and am hitting on her.


oh well...
You should feel flattered! She's jealous that you got a wife. It means that she secretly wants you. And if she spreads enough crap your wife will divorce you and she will then be free to be your love slave without getting killed by your wife. Then someone will come to your town who is your long lost brother by the father you never knew you had because he was an alien and this girl will fall for him because he is your twin even though he does not look like you. Then she will dump you for him, you and your wife will get back together and she will be pissed that you are back together. So she will try to have your alien twin brother murder you but it won't work because he is secretly in love with you so he will go to the cops, she will go to jail, and the three of you will make a bundle from the tv movie. Have a nice day.
:confused: Dude you watch to many soap operas!
:confused: Dude you watch to many soap operas!
Soap Operas on Friends. :14:
Ok, Ok...I loved the Smurfs! I admit it!

"Are we there yet Papa Smurf?"


Big smurfs fan here hehe, I probably spent too many hours in front of the tv as a child either watching it or playing Nintendo.
My favorites would include, GI joe, Transformers, Fraggle rock, Looney Tunes and others that I just can't remember now.. Oh Asterisk and Obelisk, which was a French/English cartoon possibly, Pink panther....

Hmmm, maybe I should take out the child part I still watch the odd cartoon now and then..., does South Park count? :D
Actually can't stand them but my fiance is really into em along with her mom. She sat here while I typed that and for some reason didn't think it was as funny as I did. And I don't remember race's girl but bandit was a dog i would like to have as a pet and some of the villains were really cool. And my african cichlids are mating again! I've already got 11 plus the 3 raphael cats and 2 apple snails. I saw her lay about 5 eggs last night, the male fertilized them and being mouthbrooders she picked them up. It's cool but when she's incubating she does not eat for two weeks and damn near dies by the time they are born. Anyway I'm selling naming rights to the younguns for 5 buck each. Send me 5bucks and you'll get a nice email telling what the fish you named looks like and how it is doing. You will also have it's gratitude for the fish food your dollars will buy.
My favorite cartoon was Ducktales!!! Louie, Hewie, and Dewie ROCK!!!
yes, this is a big problem for women.

ok... but this is what bugs me. sometimes i can't express feelings for a woman that
is not mistaken for "coming on to her."

so later i hear she is going around telling people i have a crush on her
and am hitting on her.


oh well...
I agree it goes both ways. I like you don't get it. A male friend of mine told me last night that he was at work when a coworked walked up.. He said hello and did you do anything fun this weekend. She immediately stated that she was involved in a relationship and was not interested in dating or going out with him.. He was totally confused. So he ask her " since when does hello and how was your weekend, translate into I am asking you out or want a relationship with you?" He then informed her that he would make a point of no longer engaging her in conversation.

It is a sad day when you can't just say Hello and smile and have that be understood for what it is... Common Courtesy...
Ralph Lauren Blue

But I prefer WETSUIT by Pue. :)
Sometimes DRYSUIT by Pue is a bit too strong for others to handle. :wink:

There's nothing like Pue in a wetsuit

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