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Sadly, it does not always go without saying. Some people (male & female) will take an opportunity that presents itself, even if they are in a relationship/marriage. Some are unhappy in their relationship or bored. But I don't play those games... lots of other games tho! :05:

I don't think EVERY man is trying to pick me up... actually I rarely think ANY man is trying to pick me up. :D But I don't like it when a married man gets suggestive or overly flirty with me. Friendly is fine (I have married/taken friends) but there is a line I draw and woe is he that tries to cross it when he knows better.

I've had alot of run-ins with married men, it's very discouraging to me, because I have never been married. It makes me think I can't trust any man as far as I can throw them.
I walked out with 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated cornea.

you have to stop using your eye to strike a guy's fist, Chuck
And I have had plenty of run ins with married woman as a single man at the time, it's a two way street.
too true... but i guess sometimes it's fun to flirt, and safe, since you know nothing's gonna happen

but if it's something you're not comfortable with, then, no way... shouldn't happen
Flirting is fine, as long as both parties know that is ALL it is & ever will be.

I have a very dear friend I was in a relationship with 7 yeasr ago that I flirted with after we broke off the romance. He knows how I feel about the taken man issue and was getting a little too flirty, even tho he has been in a relationship for 6 years. I told him to tone it down or I wasn't going to talk to hiim anymore. He didn't & it took 6 months of me ignoring his emails & phone calls before he apologized & stopped.

Everyone has a line ... some are just lower than others.
you have to stop using your eye to strike a guy's fist, Chuck

I wish it had been his fist instead of the pointy end of his cowboy boots.

I guess I'm way to loyal when I'm in a 'ship to stray even when the ship goes sour. I would rather it end and then move on then live with all the subterfuge.
you either trust someone or you don't. there's no in between
Truer words have never been typed! I forgave my ex after his first (notice that number) affair, but never really trusted him again (and rightly so) I have striven not to let it cloud my trusting other men, and I try to trust someone til given a reason not to tho. But trust is fragile and hard to rebuild once broken.
I don't think every man is trying to pick me up. Maybe they are and I am just dense.
I don't mind flirting but I do have boundries and limits.

Why is it that if you say hello and smile that instantly means that you want them. I have worked mostly with men for the last 16 years. I have run into a few that assume that a Hi is more then common courtesy.

If you are married... just keep walking. I have no desire to play second to your wife or to wait for you to leave her.
SmokeAire, I agree that ending an unhappy relationship is a better way. Hurts alot but less than betrayal & is less distructive to everyone in the long run.
And I have had plenty of run ins with married woman as a single man at the time, it's a two way street.

Now if I would have a few run ins with single woman.......ah but that's for another thread.
SmokeAire, I agree that ending an unhappy relationship is a better way. Hurts alot but less than betrayal & is less distructive to everyone in the long run.

At least the sense of trust can still be preserved. And isn't that's what it's about?

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