I find it amazing...

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I wear Calvin Klien Eternity, I love Obsession on a man! Or is it that I'm obsessed with men??
Yes I am married, taken, and my wife loves Drakar Noir too. :07: She also likes Obsession. I only use a very small amount of either, barely detectable, not trying to attract anybody. :bandit_2:
Yep.. you could swim in it and would be totally unattractive to me. Ok myabe I enjoy eye (or nose :D ) candy, but I am of the "look but NEVER touch the married guy" types.
me too, erin. well said. never been there done that as far as i'm aware! maybe we could make that another group?
Yep.. you could swim in it and would be totally unattractive to
me. Ok myabe I enjoy eye (or nose :D ) candy, but I am of the "look but NEVER
touch the married guy" types.

doesn't that go without saying?

this brings up a point. i like to talk. i'm a chatty person. the first (or close to
the first) words out of my mouth when i talk to a woman is "my wife loves xyz"
or "oh, that's just like my wife who hates xyz"

why do women think that when a man tries to look nice and talk to them and
be friendly we are trying to pick you up? not all women, of course... but some
act like ... ewwww.... a married guy talking to me... sleazy

(oh, as if my wedding band didn't give it away)

really... :wink:
doesn't that go without saying?

this brings up a point. i like to talk. i'm a chatty person. the first (or close to
the first) words out of my mouth when i talk to a woman is "my wife loves xyz"
or "oh, that's just like my wife who hates xyz"

why do women think that when a man tries to look nice and talk to them and
be friendly we are trying to pick you up? not all women, of course... but some
act like ... ewwww.... a married guy talking to me... sleazy

(oh, as if my wedding band didn't give it away)

really... :wink:
For the same reason that your wife wouldn't like you diving with me! :D

Actually, I have to say, it does seem to be quite the problem for single diving women to have a married dive buddy. Not only does someone think that you're diving in the water they think you dive elsewhere too.:wink:

A few years back I used to regularly eat lunch with one of my male MARRIED friends at work. I was also married. I was confronted by another co-worker that it was not right and did not look right for us to eat lunch together. And it's not even like we were doing any share air or s-drills either!!!!

Smile and laugh in the presence of a man and you're flirting.
me too, erin. well said. never been there done that as far as i'm aware! maybe we could make that another group?

Ditto with married women. I learned my lesson the hard way. About 20+ years ago I dated a married but seperated woman. Her soon to be ex husband knew about it and was ok with it until one night he stopped by her apt while I was there. He was abit in his cups and pissed at her 'cause she didn't close the bar they owned and to make a long story short I walked out with 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated cornea. The next day he called and apologized and paid the emergency room bill but right then and there I swore off the attached female sort.
Nor did I stray when I was married. Just not worth the hassle.
doesn't that go without saying?

why do women think that when a man tries to look nice and talk to them and
be friendly we are trying to pick you up? not all women, of course... but some
act like ... ewwww.... a married guy talking to me... sleazy
Sadly, it does not always go without saying. Some people (male & female) will take an opportunity that presents itself, even if they are in a relationship/marriage. Some are unhappy in their relationship or bored. But I don't play those games... lots of other games tho! :05:

I don't think EVERY man is trying to pick me up... actually I rarely think ANY man is trying to pick me up. :D But I don't like it when a married man gets suggestive or overly flirty with me. Friendly is fine (I have married/taken friends) but there is a line I draw and woe is he that tries to cross it when he knows better.
Nor did I stray when I was married. Just not worth the hassle.
Me either... tho my ex did. I don't have the energy when I am in a relationship to devote that much effort into more than one guy. Plus all the sneaking around & lying just NOT my thing. I am not a good liar and my conscience always bothers me with little WHITE lies... I don't think I could handle the stress of an affair.

Course not much of a problem NOW since I don't have any one/thing to concentrate on... other than my son.... and my job hunt.
But I don't like it when a married man gets suggestive or overly flirty with me. Friendly is fine

too true... but i guess sometimes it's fun to flirt, and safe, since you know
nothing's gonna happen

but if it's something you're not comfortable with, then, no way... shouldn't happen
Smile and laugh in the presence of a man and you're flirting.

unfortunately, that is true

a lot of immature wahoos out there

as to my wife, though... she doesn't mind me diving with women.
she's heard a lot about several women divers on this board, not
to mention them calling me at home for various reasons (all platonic)

it's not a problem. you either trust someone or you don't. there's no in between

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