I find it amazing...

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chile, we had rotary phones on a PARTY LINE SYSTEM!
As Do I.
Growing up in the 80's telephones were scarce!
There was a long waiting list, you had to be someone 'important' like a doctor or lawyer or politician to get one. Consequently you had entire neighbourhoods with one or two phones.

And then the telephone company was privatised and the rest is history :11doh:
Telephones were scarse, now look at ya. All big and bad on the internet!
With a Blue Tooth wireless phone stuck in your ear looking like Lt. Uhura
I still have dial-up at my apartment (land lord won't let us install a cable modem or DSL).
And here is a perfect example of Firebrand's original post. http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?p=1269794#post1269794
OMG ROFLMAO. My son says "I assume there'd be some severe chafing.:"
But what do you care what he says? He's not in the group
Come to think of it, neither am I. What am I doing here? PIIIZZZZZZAAAAAAA.
Yeah, nobody really takes me seriously! This post quickly turned into an ongoing random forum about nothing.

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