I don't know how babies do it...

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omg...I had no idea.

they have an inflated balloon and all? What about bladder trauma if the tubing gets yanked? I'm very surprised.
Mania's posting about trying out the diaper in the shower first is IMO the winner. That way you find out how much, how fast, so to speak.

Really, gals and guys, as we and other boomers all progress towards old age, adult diapers may just become second nature.....:D

Too bad I didn't invest in adult diaper companies years ago....
On a long dive in the dry suit on number 3 I started to get a bit of seepage using the depends...I don't imagine a sanitary pad would be able to handle that...
they have an inflated balloon and all? What about bladder trauma if the tubing gets yanked? I'm very surprised.

Yup, that's how the foley stays anchored. :wink: If it gets yanked, you can bet that it could cause some real damage, and some real pain! I would NOT want to be the one with the cath if it gets yanked!:11:

Re-iterating what TSandM mentioned, UTIs are a very real concern for those with catheters. Sterility is a MUST for either sex. (Most people don't realize this, but thousands of people die every year from UTIs caused by catheters.)

That said... I insert catheters (into my patients, NOT me!) every day that I work. Men are typically an easy insertion unless there is an enlarged prostate or strictures.

And, believe it or not... every woman DOES NOT look the same down there! Some women can be incredibly hard to cath, and I'll leave it at that! :wink:

For people that have to self-cath multiple times per day, the discomfort is probably not noticed much. However, for the general population, getting cathed is not pleasant. It shouldn't be painful, but it is uncomfortable. :)
I feel for you, annasea. To date, I just eat something salty before I dive, and just abort the dive if I have to. But I'm going to have to learn to do the diaper thing before my cave class, and I'm dreading it. I wore one for one dive a few months back, and just having it one was horrible, and I didn't even pee in it. Yuck. Men really have the advantage in this department.

... AND we can pee standing up, with our pants on! (OK, I'm actually a very pro-feminist male, but I just couldn't pass that one up ....)
First a little clarification for all of you that got scared of drysuits because of the diaper issue;
However, when you start going to deco diving, cave diving and such, you will be spending several hours in the water and might start to need said diapers.

And then on to what I wanted to say.. I find myself incapable of peeing in a wetsuit now that Im used to diving dry (with no diaper or pee-valve). I just cant do it even if I have to go so badly it hurts..

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