lol meant that as saying that to the instructor, as in telling the instructor they suck and aren't giving you what you wanted. Not that you as a new diver suck. As
@wetb4igetinthewater said it's a learning process and so long as you are engaged and showing up with an attitude to better yourself, you won't be a bad diver.
Also one other thing, like a lot of things, I have found I'm never done learning about scuba diving. I take courses that might not align with my skill level (i.e I have completed something "higher" or even sometimes similar) but I can take something from that instructor's point of view and incorporate into my diving or diving knowledge. Sometimes It's just reading a book about the ocean, underwater exploration, sometimes its a class, blog post, youtube video, etc. By posting here, I think you already exhibit that eagerness to learn, keep it up and it'll serve you well.
Diving is a never ending journey of skill refinement,knowledge, and experiences.