How would you handle this?

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Probably not much you can do to the diver. I would petition Puget Sound to put those coves off limits to fishing the GPO during their nesting season....
cyber bullying, now isn't that frowned upon here on SB?

---------- Post Merged at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:40 PM ----------

No matter what he has done it is legal in the eyes of the law.

So what give you and your friends the right to track him down on the internet and harass him?

Next time someone sees you speeding they should get as many people as they can to harass you on FB, SB and every other social network there is out there.

For one thing, what is LEGAL often has little if anything to do with what is RIGHT, or with JUSTICE.

When you see a flagrant and stinking example like this, if you are a person that cares about RIGHT AND WRONG, if you are not just one of the "mediocre", the people that base their actions only on what is legal or illegal, then you would have a DUTY to do something about it...a Duty in a Kantian sense.

If Rape had no law against it in some vacation spot you were visiting, and you saw a brutal form of it taking place, would you ignore the RIGHTS of the woman being raped, just because of it being "LEGAL" ???? I would say you have a DUTY to interceede, to put a stop to the act, and to protect a human being that has rights. You determine these Rights.... The moral issue has far more importance than the legal issue. The Right or Wrong is what you must determine yourself. You don't need the law to determine this for OBVIOUS EXAMPLES like the Rape, or the Octopus.

Clearly, in a court of law, the octopus issue will not afford you the rights of protecting another human being, so you can't assault or batter the jerk taking the octopus--and it is likely this jerk would take you to court if you directly harrassed him. In protecting a woman from a rape, you do not even consider the legal implications of interceeding, the need to stop the event is far more significant.
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Mentioning Kant and the concept of normative Good would probably be sufficient to make his head explode. If not, I prefer Heinlein's approach to law and morals.

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
If Rape had no law against it in some vacation spot you were visiting, and you saw a brutal form of it taking place, would you ignore the RIGHTS of the woman being raped, just because of it being "LEGAL" ???? I would say you have a DUTY to interceede, to put a stop to the act, and to protect a human being that has rights. You determine these Rights.... The moral issue has far more importance than the legal issue. The Right or Wrong is what you must determine yourself. You don't need the law to determine this for OBVIOUS EXAMPLES like the Rape, or the Octopus.

That's a little over the top Dan. Come on man.
If you ask me, this whole thing got blown way out of proportion. Ok, the guy wasn't too cool in dragging the octo up on the beach. But all this gives spearfishermen a bad name, which is already a pain in the ass.
Many spearos, like land hunters, are very conservation minded. This makes us all look bad.
How would I have handled it? It's really not my business to confront the guy. If I didn't like it, I would quietly pursue the proper channels to try and get it stopped.
Hi, have you contacted your DNR about this guy? I am thinking about possession laws versus harvesting laws.

I know that in Minn., there is a legal limit of fish for which you can be in possession. That rule extends to your freezer as well. For example, you can legally harvest 6 walleye per day. But if the DNR catches you with those 6 walleye in your freezer, plus the 2 from last week that you never got around to eating, you have just poached.

I don't know what the possession laws are in Washington for these octopi, but it sounds like you can legally harvest and possess one per day. I find it highly unlikely that this guy harvested to octopus for food. Seems like the octopus (and any other octopi he has harvested since this was posted yesterday) would still be in his possession. So that might be a way for the DNR to bust him.

Also, does he have a license for these octopi? As with any kind of hunting or fishing, typically one needs a license to do this. Might be another selling point for the DNR. They love busting poachers. :D
Mentioning Kant and the concept of normative Good would probably be sufficient to make his head explode.

No, it would just bounce off without harm, like the Gardol invisible shield that protected the teeth of Colgate users in commercials decades ago.
For one thing, what is LEGAL often has little if anything to do with what is RIGHT, or with JUSTICE.

When you see a flagrant and stinking example like this, if you are a person that cares about RIGHT AND WRONG, if you are not just one of the "mediocre", the people that base their actions only on what is legal or illegal, then you would have a DUTY to do something about it...a Duty in a Kantian sense.
Because, after all, the highest civic ambition should be that we become a nation of men, not laws. I hear the same argument from those impatient with gun civil rights in Cali, regarding jury nullification. As if once everybody sets their own standards of right, wrong, and most importantly, just what to do about it - THEN, we've got it nailed.
No, it would just bounce off without harm, like the Gardol invisible shield that protected the teeth of Colgate users in commercials decades ago.

True enough. I should not have forgotten my old Phantom Tollbooth: some may swim all day in the Sea of Knowledge and still come out completely dry.
yes, lets compare killing an octopus to rape. that doesn't seem out there at all.
I think it is clear that we can NOT trust these types of people. They have demonstrated that they have no respect for the ocean and the fragile ecology. This board is filled with many reported examples of other transgressions perpetrated by this user group. Their impacts are probably even more detrimental in tropical systems where the ecosystem is more diverse and less able to withstand disruptions and impacts. Their casual disregard for the fragility of the system is truely frightening (many of us have witnessed them in action, as they pursue their "sport"); not to mention there are many more of these types of clowns in warm water areas.

We need to do what we can to ensure that THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! If it is not this guy, then next time it will be another idiot. The area where this occured is just too fagile and too popular to condone these types of people impacting the ecosystem. It is already under assault from global warming, stormwater runoff and fishing pressure in surrounding areas.

We must ban together, petition the legislature, notify the dive shops, use our social media resources to benefit the ocean.... We must:



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