The 6351 cylinders are not "crappy".... They just require an annual eddy current test in addition to the visual inspection.
A 6351 cylinder that passes annual inspection is just as "good" as a 6061 cylinder that passes inspection.
There's no reason not to fill a pre-1990 cylinder that has a valid eddy current , visual inspection sticker and hydro. Any fill operator who says differently is ignorant of the facts.
I've also seen one that passed hydro, the EDDY vis at the hydro facility, then an additional EDDY vis at the shop, then the neck started cracking when filling (first fill after hydro). but yet it passed all it's inspections.
I used to believe they were safe if properly inspected, but this proved it wrong and I saw it with my own eyes. they are not all safe.
why take the chance to find out if you're playing roulette with a tank? (or why put the fill station operation in the same situation.).
just not worth it.