How to break a window underwater?

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Austin, Tx.
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but here it goes. We found a car a few weeks ago dumped in a quarry with all the windows rolled up but the tiny triangular window in the rear passenger side was missing. The car has been there for at least five years because of a new fence built around the now private property. So, a friend and I went down last weekend with a crowbar and attempted to bust out the window to get inside for reasons of pure curiosity and the mere fact that we were able to reach in and recover an empty bank bag. For a brief moment there it was quite exhilarating. None the less, we still want to get in and with all our strength tried to break the side windows with the point of the crowbar and failed. Any suggestions on how we might pull this off? Thanks for the info.
Go to the hardware store and buy a spring loaded center punch. We use them on the job, it works everytime. Push it against the glass in one of the lower corners for best results. Just don't try it on the windshield, it's laminated glass instead of tempered glass so it won't work there.
Would just a hammer and large nail work so that I dont need to spend any money?

Maybe, but probably not. It's the sudden snap concentrated in the small area of the punch that does the trick, and I don't think you could get that snap with a hammer underwater. You could try, though, there's nothing to lose but time.
If you don't want to spend money then do this.

Take an old spark plug (from a car engine) smash it carfully so you get a big piece of the ceramic (the white part at the top) secure it to the hammer and smash it against the glass......POP!

If you were not under water you could "toss" the ceramic at a car window and it will explode the glass shattering it into 1000's of square pieces

Dot believe me? DO NOT TRY ON ANYTHING BUT A JUNK CAR!!!!!!!! You will be buying a new window!!!!!

Those safty hammers are coated with it
Does the car have a license plate on it? Can you see the VIN? Even though you think it's been down there for a while, you might be better off to report it to law enforcement before tampering with it any more. You never know what you might find in it and if it's a crime scene you could be charged. Better to report and help out in the recovery than to discover something you need to report and have to answer questions later.

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