How soon after pregnancy is it safe to go diving?

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@Sìan48 I hope you had a successful delivery and both you and your baby are fine.

Did you return to diving? And if so after how many days / weeks?

One of my friends just delivered last Saturday and I know she's wanting to dive. Another one of my friends is currently at 26 weeks and is staying active by snorkelling as well as running her dive operation here in Dubai.
I tried to do a search however it gets mixed up with a load of unrelated stuff so I’m starting a new thread..

Does anyone know how soon after birth you can start diving for the first time? I’m towards the end of pregnancy (have 3 more months) and my mind hasn’t changed on wanting to do scuba and won’t change any time soon but can’t really find much info on when is safe to start up training?

I will be breastfeeding for at least the first 6 - 9 months and not sure if that will make a difference but wondering about the whole overall experience maybe extending when I can start?

If anyone knows or had to take a break due to pregnancy, how soon did you start back up again?

Thanks in advance
As you're UK based these are the people you need to speak to, the UKDMC.
Ask your doctor, not the internet.
With a query about a specific set of symptoms, I might agree with you.

But given the dive physiology training of most OB-Gyn specialists (near zero), on a generic medical question like this as it relates to scuba, you might indeed get better advice here than you would from your doctor. Or at least an opinion you can bounce off them.

Dive physiology is a complete mystery to most physicians.

Diving Doc
With a query about a specific set of symptoms, I might agree with you.

But given the dive physiology training of most OB-Gyn specialists (near zero), on a generic medical question like this as it relates to scuba, you might indeed get better advice here than you would from your doctor. Or at least an opinion you can bounce off them.

Dive physiology is a complete mystery to most physicians.

Diving Doc
That’s true, but we don’t know her medical history.
That’s true, but we don’t know her medical history.
Which is why only general information was given by the medical professionals who answered, with the caveat that the OP should see her provider for specific questions. This forum exists so that people can ask medical questions. If you follow the answers, you'll note that they don't contain any assessments or diagnoses. They contain information that can then be used to inform in-person conversations with providers who are actually in front of patients. If your expertise includes OB/GYN then please feel free to make a positive contribution to the conversation.

Best regards,

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