How old is too old?

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I was the oldest in my class and the only one still instructing :)

And I am waaaaay old
If you can physically do the job, and want to do the job, then do it.
How the heck can you say this? There are men and women in their 50's and 60's who are in better shape than you or I...

Surely there is a well documented decline in stamina with age, but some of the best divers I've met are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. We dove with an elderly couple in their late 60's or early 70's who both swim several miles every week, and dove actively without any additional assistance. My son's scuba instructor was a retired physician in his late 60's.

Sometime, the most dedicated instructors are the one who has done it all, and is ready to share their experience with others. I don't want no cocky young man/woman showing off their stamina if I were a student interested in diving.

As Mr. Woodcock would say, I was being rhetoric.

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–noun 1.(in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing!
You are too old when you have to stop to get another pack of depends because you used your last one at breakfast this morning.:D

You are too old when you decide to get a pee valve installed in your sweat pants.:11:
to become a DM or work towards being an instructor?

hmmmm - ive dived with DM's in their teens/20's and i continue to dive with DM's in their 50's

i take the 50yr old any day...... they understand caution and taking it easy to enjoy the journey

and btw, my hubby was almost 40 when he became a DM and and instructor at 44, and he still teaching so whatever you decide, enjoy!
I have yet to meet someone over the age of 100 that I would feel safe diving with, let alone being the Divemaster.

What's your point? That the majority of folks over the age of 100 have health problems? We all know this and understand that the chances of us even reaching 100 are pretty slim. OTOH, shouldn't decisions of this nature be based on ability rather than age? I think it's doubtful that I'll ever meet a working DM who is age 100 or more, but I wouldn't discount them solely because of a number. To do so would be bigoted.
Mmmmmm? Seems that some of you are under the delusion that after you reach
A demented age of 35 to 40 your over the wave er-em over the hill,
Also the DM COURSE (DIVE MASTER) is set for certain divers.
What is a dive master? What is his roll?
What is an instructor? What is his roll?
What is your objective to be a Diving Instructor or Dive Master??
There is no age limit to either.
The most important roll is to teach others SAFE DIVING.!!!!!!!!
Make sure your students listen

ll my life I've wanted an excuse to wear a knife, and now I've found a sport where its
actually encouraged!

Get this right my friend I have been diving for a long time I have never seen or heard
A dive instructor tell there students wear a knife!!!
Tell me why you should wear one??? That’s a question for all. Lets see who is a real diver and see those who might have slept with one.. lol
Your friendly diver
A Manta Ray is a big shark. DO YOU KNOW ANY BIGGER
I would venture to say around 45 or so. At this age, you are quite over the hill for anyone to really take you seriously. Your muscle mass has decrease significantly and dementia is setting in.

my uncle is 60 retired and a dm hes good at it too and when he travels which he does every year they pay him to dive so he basicly diveing for free plus makeing money doing it on a vacation takeing small groups out.. why not be paided to take a vacation
ll my life I've wanted an excuse to wear a knife, and now I've found a sport where its
actually encouraged!

Get this right my friend I have been diving for a long time I have never seen or heard
A dive instructor tell there students wear a knife!!!
Tell me why you should wear one??? That’s a question for all. Lets see who is a real diver and see those who might have slept with one.. lol
Your friendly diver
A Manta Ray is a big shark. DO YOU KNOW ANY BIGGER

Its a quote from a short story about diving from Dave Barry, so relax! And last time I checked wearing a knife is not a requirement, but encouraged

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