Those reasons are hysterical.

The extra space needed for a drysuit and undergarment is laughable at the very least. Requires more care? I suppose if you are transporting it with open boxes of sharp kitchen utensils.
You can say that, but when was the last time you tried to cram a weekend's worth of gear into two bags, and which all had to be transported in one trip onto the Catalina Express ferry? Ordinarily, I'd agree, but there are definitely situations where every little bit matters. And carefully rolling/packing a DS to care for glove rings and valves, and carefully placing in the bag to avoid wear and tear on fragile latex seals is indeed a bit more complicated than tossing an indestructible wetsuit into a bag anywhichway. And combined drysuit+undergarments is both physically bigger and more bulky and
heavier than my little wetsuit duffel bag. And on the return trip, with a wetsuit there is no need to separate wet and dirty DS + rockboots from the undergarments.
And my in the hell is it more complicated to clean a drysuit?? Surely complicated is not the right word....maybe there are a few extra steps like rinsing off the dump and addition valves...ohh and then there is the complicated task of waxing a zipper.

When was the last time you had to wax the zipper on your wetsuit? Or wash out a valve? Also, do you fill your drysuit with water? If not, that means you are being careful to avoid getting water in the neck and wrist seals when cleaning. Trust me when I tell you when you live in an apt and have no access to an outdoor cleaning area, and a cramped bathtub is your gear cleaning area, the ability to toss a wetsuit into the tub with the shower running, swish around, flip inside out and swish around again, and hang to dry, is a MUCH less involved process than cleaning a drysuit and trying to maneuver a large DS around the tub faucet 6" from the wall. Clearly YMMV vary depending your personal circumstances, but in my situation, yes, Virginia, there
is a difference, and it's substantial.
Now your other reasons:
"My CLX450 takes noticeably longer to dry than my Henderson InstaDry 7mm" ok...understandable.
"As a result, I dive dry when my expected bottom times are long enough to justify it, and pretty much full time in the winter. During the summer, it's so hot topside and the water is warm enough that a wetsuit is a lot simpler... especially when dealing with classes and shore dives" - Personal preference, can't argue that. :blinking:
good lord..thanks for the laugh though.
Always happy to brighten someone's day.