Come on, Dan. Surely you are not so naive to believe that your tanks are 100% free of contaminants....ever. Besides, you're breaking the rules O2 cleaning your tanks without the cert to do it. :depressed:
Oh and that's "peace of mind," not "piece of mind." Piece of mind is what Phil got.
Oh and that's "peace of mind," not "piece of mind." Piece of mind is what Phil got.

Most shops I have come across require annual cleaning of the tank and the valve. I also agree with Phil that ultraviolet light can not detect small enough amounts of contaminants. It is only good as a gauge in seeing that some exist not that none exist. $70 is high not to include VIP and a nitrox fill.
I clean my tanks and valves every year. It is not that hard and gives me piece of mind. I started doing this after witnessing enough "O2 cleaning" by a shop that sometimes never involved removing the valve only changing stickers. Oh and of course charging for it.