OK I'll bite. Actually I do have that certification as well as a whole stack of others including technical certifications. What I don't understand how does your being an "experienced" tech diver give you any better knowledge about O2 than any one else. You are certified to breathe it. That is it.
John you are usually a really nice guy. I can only assume there is something personal going on in your life that you are taking out on everyone else. Might I suggest you walk away from your computer for the night sleep on it.
And the rest of you. This is the Texas forum let's not make every one else think we are a bunch of a**holes like our president.
My goodness...guess I touched a nerve.
I am a nice guy, unless I think someone is being a smarta**...to
me, my friends, my family. I gave my POV on the question posted by the OP and was jumped on by someone I don't know from a hole in the ground. I'm not going to sit back and let that happen. Sorry...good day, bad day, whatever...not gonna happen...in person, on the computer, wherever. It's just wasn't raised to turn the other cheek. Sorry. If that makes me an a**hole, then I'm a card carrying member.
As for your certification it's not my business or concern who cleans your tanks, what their cert is, or even if they have one. They're your tanks and your responsibility. However you want to take care of it is your business. I read your post as you stating you learned how to O2 clean by watching someone else. Joanna pointed out that you have the card, I apologized. Not sure what else you'd like on top of that, but that's all I have to offer.
I have to say that I don't know any experienced technical divers who don't know something about oxygen, helium and a host of other technical topics. If they don't they probably shouldn't be doing that kind of diving. It's a good way to get hurt. I don't care what the next guy does and long as he doesn't push it on me. If you want to clean your tanks annually have at it. If someone else wants to pay for theirs to be cleaned, not a problem. Just don't expect me to follow in your footsteps (on any topic) just because you say it's so. Sorry.
BTW, it doesn't matter to me if someone doesn't agree with me on any topic. Present it in a respectful way and I'll give you a respectful answer. It's really pretty simple...I'm a simple guy...not a simpleton.
Oh...I usually fill my own tanks and do my own advanced mixing, and I still have all my fingers and toes. I do have the certification for that too, btw, if it matters.