@Efka76 , the "problem" with Cozumel is that it is very oriented toward US visitors because of its proximity to the US. The American tipping culture has very much spilled over into Cozumel as it has everywhere in the world frequented by Americans. I would imagine that if you were to visit the US, you would research how to tip and act accordingly, just as you so correctly point out that we Americans should research how the systems work in countries that we may visit. I regret to say that the relatively few (compared with the number of Americans) Europeans, Australians, etc., who visit Cozumel may need to consider tipping more like an American than like a European--or, for that matter, like most Mexicans in less-touristed parts of the country. Egypt is an interesting example, because I suspect the vast majority of divers who visit Egypt are Europeans and they do not tip very much. Now that more Americans are visiting Egypt, we face the same cultural conundrum that you Europeans face when visiting Cozumel. I agree with your sentiment that all of us, no matter what part of the world we are from, should research our dive destination and adjust how we tip accordingly.