How Much to Get Tech Cert'd

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I feel remiss for not actually answering the OP's question.

I don't know my total costs, but it's a lot. So far I have spent money for OW, AOW, Nitrox, AdvNitrox, deco, and cavern training. I still need to get my Adv wreck class done. I also puchased my initial jacket BC, regs and computer along with 2 AL80s. Then I bought a backplate and a singles wing, then a SP M25 w/ S550 regs with longhose and bungie. Then I bought 2 more AL80s and a wrist computer. About this time I bought a DUI drysuit and thermals. Then I bought an AL20 pony and another reg. Then I bought a set of double AL80's which meant a doubles wing (halcyon 55) and another M25 reg. Then I bought an AL40 deco tank, a sling kit, and another reg for it. Then I bought another set double AL80s and finally a set of HP100 doubles. Somewhere in there I picked up a Salvo 10W HID can-light and 2 more blackplates and harnesses. I'm about to buy a new doubles wing because that H55 is overkill. I just bought another wrist mount computer because my old one is starting to act up. I also had to buy new fins.

Oh, and I also bought an Amphibico UW video housing, with camera to replace my old Sea&Sea 35mm camera since film is hard to find, very limiting and harder to get processed in these modern times.

I will leave it up to anyone who has the inclination to total up what all that costs, but that doesn't include the training and gear for my 2 kids who dive with me too! :shocked2:

Of course, none of this includes the costs of my actual dives. It is a minimum 4 hour drive each way with either camping or hotel costs for a weekend of dives. Last week it cost me about $150 in fuel, $25 in toll roads and $75 in campsite fees. My only benefit is that I don't pay for air.
Posted this in another thread. I added up the investment of gear I dive with on every cave dive. I enter the water with about $25,000 in dive gear alone. Add to the cost of a dedicated dive vehicle. 3/4 ton Dodge Van. $$$$$$$$$$
Oh, and that's open circuit sidemount and a wet suit.

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Used RB: ~$5,500 after shipping, new cells, tweaks to configuration, etc.
New DPV: $6,700
Massive herd of tanks, about a dozen Atomic regs, omniswivel fittings, hoses, SPGs, rigging, etc.: ~$6,000
Drysuit and inflation system for suit/wing: ~$2,000
Misc. electronics, reels, lights (incl. 400' and 800' pathfinders, 2 PTs, 1 H scout, 1 LM 3W, LM-rebuilt 21W HID, SA Petrel, : ~$2,650
Couple of H BPs/6 H Wings: ~$1,000

This leaves out plenty of gear, but my rough total of technical gear I either use or keep around because I'm likely to use it again is around $24,000. I've spent a lot more than that on gear in the last 3-4 years, but I tend to buy used, and sell at or close to what I paid, so it's enough of a wash I don't care too much.

I want a brand new rEvo Expedition micro Ti with a NERD controller and online Petrel backup, and that'll add at least $10,000 to my gear total after selling my current RB. Getting a bigger scooter nose/battery is another $4,000. Couple grand for a 50W HID is somewhere in my future, as are several more grand for a Haskel.

Total training costs to-date (rec and tech/CCR) are in the range of $5,000. My finally getting around to formal MOD-2/3 training will probably add another $3-4k to that.

In contrast, I once blew $45k in a little over two months betting the wrong way as to whether financial stocks were going to correct. SCUBA's not that expensive, and it's a lot more fun.
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Here's what you spend as a traveling tech diver after you get certified:

Typical tech/wreck charter that someone like myself interested in historical WWII Indo-Pacific wrecks:

Gas costs for a week or more tech diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon:

Truk Stop dive-ops 2012, Standard Gas Bottom Mix estimates for one set of double 11L (twinset AL 80's):
21/35 $205
18/45 $260
15/55 $310

Last year's Bikini Atoll Liveaboard (M/V Windward) open circuit gas costs for 17 dives over eight days including crew gratuity: $3.8k. (Helium $5.66/cuft, Oxygen $1.70/cuft). Excess baggage total fees charged by United Airlines (each way -each flight leg!): $1.2k. My X-scooter itself cost $400 as check-in luggage

I work in SoCal Aerospace Industry, 9 to 12 hours a day, sometimes all seven days of the week for nearly a month straight. If all goes well and units delivered on time, I take the rest of the Quarter off and blow all my earnings in Overtime on tropical Scuba Expeditions like those above.
I never knew it cost so much to dive in Truk.

Oh wait...
. . .And Bikini Atoll; and Sunda Strait Indonesia; and South China Sea: and east coast Sri Lanka. . . all "hero" WWII wreck dive expeditions above & beyond your means & comprehension AJ.
. . .And Bikini Atoll; and Sunda Strait Indonesia; and South China Sea: and east coast Sri Lanka. . . all shallow, relatively benign WWII wreck dive catered trips above & beyond your means & comprehension AJ.

Fixed that for ya. There's a difference between a trip that's expensive and one that's particularly challenging to one's skill set in addition to one's bank account. Either one of us could apparently afford the $50-75k to have a bunch of sherpas drag our arse up Everest -- neither one of us would be in a position to brag about our expedition climbing as a result, though.

Then again, Truk is apparently about all you can handle before forgetting how to execute an ascent without bending yourself. Maybe it is a "hero" dive for you.
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After tallying up all your tech gear, you end up with 2 distinct figures.

1. First figure reflects the actual cost. $$$$$$

2. Second Figure is the amount you tell your Wife or Girlfriend. $$$

Yes, and be sure you put a note in your will to not let your wife sell your gear for what your SAID you paid for it! :D

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