For anyone who stumbles across this thread in the future wondering about the same thing: I ended up bringing the 7mm, and it was the right decision for me. It certainly wasn't too much; at no point did I feel overly warm, and toward the end of the week I actually started feeling just a little chilly on the last few dives of the day. (Not enough to bother with my hood, which I hate but brought just in case, or my Sharkskin, which I also brought, but enough to feel glad I didn't go out and buy a thinner wetsuit just for this trip.) There were 27 dives available: 5 dives on 5 days plus 2 on the morning of the last day. Many people were complaining about the cold by day 3; several folks skipped at least a few dives for that reason. I only skipped the night dive on the third day, due to an upset stomach.
I also brought my big Surf Fur coat, which was especially nice after the night dives, when the air was relatively chilly, and it really wasn't too much trouble because I just carried/wore it as my jacket on the plane. (I wore the Sharkskin jacket on the plane too; I figured if my checked bag with my wetsuit didn't make it I'd definitely want that.) I hadn't counted on the AC being cranked up so high in the indoor spaces on the boat, and there being so much wind in all the outdoor spaces; I'm definitely glad I had something so warm. We also had some slightly cooler and cloudy weather the last few days, when everyone's core temperature was already depleted, and a couple people were very interested in my great big fuzzy boat coat. I don't think I'll ever do a dive trip without it now.
So my personal answer to my original question, I guess, is that for LOB diving, I need at least twice the neoprene I would need for one or two dives at the same temperature, and I need almost as much thermal protection for LOB diving in 80-degree water as I need for a single day of up to 3 dives in 60-degree water. YMMV.