How Many Scuba dive by them selfs

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USMC Diver once bubbled...
Solo diving is good...
Solo diving is bad...
Buddies are good...
Buddies are bad...

You know what, if you want to dive solo, go ahead. If you make it back, you are more experienced as a solo diver, if you don't then you are a news clipping.

If that statement bothers you or you have to second guess yourself then you are not ready.

Good luck. Try not to Die.

That statement is very true and well said.

Yes I solo dive about 90% of the time ( I do about 100 dives a year)and even when with a buddy it's usually same ocean, same day.

Just remember to dive within your limits both in terms of skill and comfort.


James..... When I dive a single, it's always recreational depth and usually either Ean or 30/30. I only take a 20' bottle if I have a suitable place to stage it so I don't have to sling it for the whole dive, or if I want to maximize the bottom time portion of the total run time. (I'm typically limitted to 60 mins or so) I keep air in the pony, as it's easy to always keep topped off, and it's compatible to any MOD I can take Ean or 30/30 to. The pony is strictly a bailout in case of catastrophic loss of backgas.....there's more than enough gas there to manage as much deco time as I can incur, even if I had a backgas loss just as I was beginning to ascend to the first stop. Taking the 20' bottle is totally optional, it's not even considered in the gas planning...if I take it .. it's just extra gas. Deco on O2 is half as long as on backgas, (deco on air is shorter than deco on 30/30) so I could stay longer on the bottom for the same run time, or pad the stops and come up cleaner. It merely adds flexibility, I'm never in any way dependant on it.

Hope I made things clearer,

I keep Ean21 in the pony. It makes it easy to always keep it topped off since it bleeds down a bit each dive from being on and tested, and it doesn't impose a MOD limitation regardless of what's in the main tank...... I can see a potential problem with 32% or lower in the main tank and 36% in the pony, especially if you're already pushing the mod for the lower percentage...

If you have an LDS that banks Ean, then topping is not a problem, but since I don't, and I like the flexibility, I stay with 21%

next week i'm planning to dive solo for the first time...
i'll tell you about it when or if i come back...=-)
LOL...isn't this a great question!! My experience has been that asking a group of divers whether they solo dive is like asking if they masterbate......!!! lol (we're all adults here). lol

I have occasionally dove solo but nothing over 25 feet....mostly just shallow food dives. Having said that I am more comfortable diving with a buddy....a known buddy. On my solo dives I'm a little more paranoid about approaching any area that I might get tangled etc....

I personally feel more relaxed with a buddy.:)

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