My only issue with the situation was what (if any) impact there may be from imparting a learned behavior or conditioning on an apex predator. A lot of the vitriolic e-mails were really missing the point that divers aren't the only ones interacting with these sharks (and even if we were, some non-shark divers don't seem to like the thought of conditioning sharks to become accustomed to ALL divers). Let's just play what if. What if I wanted to start an above water shark experience for my boat passengers; and the way I planned to do this was to take 7 mil wetsuits and stuff them full of chum to attract sharks for my boat passengers to take photos of. Suddenly, I believe a lot of divers and surfers might not be really cool with the thought that sharks may be conditioned to associate a wetsuit shaped like a diver with food. Now, I admit, this is a little more extreme than what Abernathy is doing, but these sharks do not belong to divers and we do share the ocean with many users so we ought to be damn sure we tread as lightly as possible. I am not saying that the level of conditioning the sharks were receiving rises to any dangerous level or that what Abernathy was/is doing is wrong, all I am saying I don't think anyone really knows what effect this really has. But boy, a few SBers were willing to bet their first born that there was absolutely NO effect.
And as for the pursuit of risky behavior? I have engaged in plenty, but lets not kid ourselves. When any of us engages in risky behavior we aren't merely risking ourselves-that's a selfish assumption. There are plenty of others potentially affected-the helicopter crew or SAR team that is looking for you or evacuating you could easily come to harm as well as any other rescuers involved. Your actions could result in injuries that focus medical resources away from others who may need it (I wonder who was bumped at the ER by the shark-bitten-diver, I doubt that the trauma team was simply waiting around for something to do). Again, we don't live our lives in a vacuum. A lot has changed since the days when an adventurer was truly only risking his/her life. With EPIRBs, MOB, cell phones, Sat phones and the internet, in this day and age, if you get in trouble, someone is likely coming for you and potentially risking their life as well. Have fun, take risks, just make sure the show is worth the price of admission.
Just my .02