My first solo dives were over the weekend, my 19th and 20th dives. I was at a lake with others, but none of them were near me at any time. It was by far my most enjoyable dive to date. I am a solitary person, and I find diving with strangers an annoyance. I have no friends that dive, or want to.
It's my plan to begin diving in a nearby lake solo, before the summer is out. I've been gradually working up to it. But I'm not a risk taker, and have been approaching this in the most organized and thoughtful manner that I can.
I joined DAN, and read every single fatality and injury report covering the last couple of years. Going to get their insurance, too. I bought Spare Air, and redundant knife, mask, and light. I've practiced using and switching all of them in a 15 foot swimming pool, numerous times. I've got no intention of going below 20-25 feet until I've logged dozens more dives. My first few solo dives I plan to have my spouse there as well, in snorkeling gear since she doesn't want to scuba dive. I sit around frequently, imagining contingencies and my reactions to them, and then try to rehearse the responses, if practical. I've consulted with a doctor concerning my medical status, and have been increasing my aerobic exercise. I'm not terribly fit, but not a disaster either. My equipment servicing is up-to-date.
Reading the accident reports is sobering, but in the end I'm convinced that the risk is not excessive. My conclusion is that the likelihood of an out-of-air or entanglement emergency is remote. I think the most salient risk is some type of cardiac or neurological event at depth or on the surface, brought on by panic or over-exertion. In which case, as a solo diver, I'll be truly screwed, with little chance of survival. Also of course, arterial gas embolism if I run out of air, panic, and rocket to the surface. I don't think I'll do that, though.
Maybe I'm wrong. Been wrong before. But I've thought it through and plan to proceed with it. The posts here have been very helpful in highlighting both the risks and the possibilities....