How is funded?

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I guess the question now is, does the money for SB just come directly out of KN and LD's pockets?
Yes! But you can help if you would like.
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...

"As far as you know." Well, I can't even imagine exploring the things that fall outside the scope of that comment. I have neither the time nor the inclination to catalog what you don't know.

What I write is based upon my personal knowledge. From whom I obtained that knowledge and the circumstances under which it was disclosed is also something that you neither know nor are entitled to learn.

I'm curious. Do you also ask how much people make? What they paid for their house? If not, what makes you think that you are entitled to the information?

Yo, 007, calm down! Not that I care, but the way you're going on, you'd think you were protecting the crown jewels. It was just a question. Now go de-fuse that time bomb in the corner, while Halle Berry shakes your vodka martini.
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

Yo, 007, calm down! Not that I care, but the way you're going on, you'd think you were protecting the crown jewels. It was just a question. Now go de-fuse that time bomb in the corner, while Halle Berry shakes your vodka martini.


Not really. I answered the question "yes" early in the thread. However, any other information, such as sources and amount of income, or other information relating to KN and LD, is private and should remain so.

Besides, the concept of what our little Jonnythan doesn't know is still boggling my mind.
NetDoc once bubbled...
There is indeed a "free lunch". is hosted by the Scubasource network. We are in the process of attaining a non-profit status and are almost there. King Neptune and Lady Diver are our gracious hosts and we should all feel indebted to them. They have done a great deal for our diving community. There are methods to contribute to this great endeavor, and those can usually be found in the Benefit Auctions/Donations forum on our board. Providing this excellent resource does cost money and any help you can afford would be appreciated. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to address them here, or PM them to me or any other regulator.

Thanks NetDoc!

I didn't intend to ruffle any feathers and didn't liken the question to asking what someone's income is as that is private and this, on the contrary, seems to be a very public site. Really I just wanted to know who to thank as this is an invaluable resource to someone getting started in SCUBA and I REALLY am glad to have a place to find uncommercialized view points. Thanks a million KN and LD for making it easy for the rest of us!:D
Ok...I'm takin bets here. I have 3-1 odds on danelen and phototj against NEW. Any takers?
PaulB once bubbled...
Ok...I'm takin bets here. I have 3-1 odds on danelen and phototj against NEW. Any takers?

Not placing any bets on this thread.

Like a Mike Tyson fight - someone is going to get there ear bit off :eek:
medical1 once bubbled...

Not placing any bets on this thread.

Like a Mike Tyson fight - someone is going to get there ear bit off :eek:

I know. But I'm hoping that people will realise it was a JOKE and wont get their undies in a twist. Hahaha know..a joke..not being serious.
In short, ScubaBoard is a service offered by the broader which includes,,, and literally dozens more sites. As for the board's funding and upkeep, you can thank LD & KN for that... this is their service and something they have chosen to give back to the community. Of course it is all of you that make the board such a success so perhaps pat yourself on the back as well!

P.S. This board isn't a easy or small thing to run so feel free to PM LD or KN and let them you appreciate their work, if you like.
you can thank TA (Tech Admin) as well. You do a great job man... we love ya!
Tech Admin once bubbled...
In short, ScubaBoard is a service offered by the broader which includes,,, and literally dozens more sites. As for the board's funding and upkeep, you can thank LD & KN for that... this is their service and something they have chosen to give back to the community. Of course it is all of you that make the board such a success so perhaps pat yourself on the back as well!

P.S. This board isn't a easy or small thing to run so feel free to PM LD or KN and let them you appreciate their work, if you like.


Thanks for answering the original question. I had not thought to ask the question myself but was interested after it was brought up.

Unlike others on the board who want to pound their chests and stomp their feet regarding an issue that is really none of THEIR business. Yes Northeastwrecks. I am talking about you. You are not in a position to tell anyone on this board what is or is not their business. That information can only come from those involved in the operation of this board...........not you. If LD and KN want to make that or a similar statement they have every right to do so. Leave your hard ass attitute in the court room when your being the man and thumbing someone. The question was never asked directly to you in the first place.

This thread started out as an innocent question about a website we all enjoy. There is nothing wrong with asking such a question. Comparing it to asking someone how much money they make was a rediculous analogy. The question was not how much do you make but rather how do you survive? TechAdmin chose to answer it plainly enough with adequate information.


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