How girls can avoid being hit on?

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What guys?

The ones that hit on us girls.

Trust me DiverChix, they're always around, perhaps lurking...

I agree with the adage to enjoy the attention while we're still getting it! And we probably will miss the attention one day... :blinking: Don't sweat it unless it's rude, invasive or obnoxious... :no: :)
The ones that hit on us girls.

Trust me DiverChix, they're always around, perhaps lurking...

I agree with the adage to enjoy the attention while we're still getting it! And we probably will miss the attention one day... :blinking: Don't sweat it unless it's rude, invasive or obnoxious... :no: :)
So, I need to look for lurkers and stalkers...
My girlfriend complains that she always gets hit on when she is going diving on a dive boat. She is not interested picking up guys, she just wants to go diving and minds her own business. Any suggestion?

Wear pantyhose.

I hope I never come on to a woman except in an appropriate and humorous way. I am one of those who finds packaging to be nice to look at, but content of far greater interest. Thus it would be hard for me to determine my interest in a woman just based on her physical appearance. I need to spend time talking to a woman before I really know if there is any interest. Of course by that time she's walked away!

...that you are 3+k mi. away!! Could use some handsome, gentlemanly divers in the Keys.
Now Mary Lou, you know that a good looking lady diver in her 50s is a young 'un to me! Good thing I don't go after cougars (relative to me)... they're all in nursing homes anyway and don't dive!

Pinko... it does sound like you may have some issues. I was just pointed here by a woman member who asked if I'd seen the other members who came to my "defense" (not needed if pinko was joking, but really!). Now I see what she meant and thank those who replied.

I am a gentleman, or at least have honorable intentions. I don't hit on my dive buddies unless they hit on me first (and it usually takes a 4"x4" to get me to realize their intentions). I wish more of them carried such lumber! Unfortunately I am so "safe" that husbands and SOs of my female buddies feel comfortable having them dive with me.

I am sensitive to the problem. I grew up with three younger sisters whose honor I tried to defend (unsuccessfully in all three cases!).

Not to totally stereotype, but men are so visual at times. The sight of a pretty women (even one in a photograph) is often enough to get their "interest." While I like nice packaging, I greatly prefer it cover great content... and that sometimes only becomes apparent over time and interaction.

I live in the Lost Angeles area and of course things can be very superficial here. I see LOTS of gorgeous, well "engineered" women... many of whom can't hold a simple conversation. Definitely of little to no interest to me other than as momentary eye candy.

By the way, pinko... if you have any interest in learning more about the underwater world and the life that inhabits it, you'd probably benefit from diving with me. Many have.
How to avoid being hit on.... don't look good! lol. blow your nose in your hand, pee in your wetsuit, don't brush your hair.. hmmmm I'm sure there are other not-so-attractive things to do.. Lol, works for me :)

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