My hair is very wavy and very thick. On a regular day I straight iron my hair, but when on a dive vacation I don't enjoy doing that after every dive day. So, aside from the layering of conditioner and hood/wrap ideas, one of my favorite things to do when on a week long trip like Belize or Coz, somewhere that has vendors along the main streets is to have someone braid my entire head at the beginning and then I leave that for the whole week. I don't ever have to mess with it, I can still give it a good rinse, and then run around being a tourist for the afternoons. Then once I'm done with the last dive of the trip, I do a good wash & condition. And in several cases, after the good wash I'll go get my hair re-braided all over so after I get back I still have a few days of ease, while "reminding" everyone that sees me that I just got back from a great dive trip...;-)