pete340:There is no default return (except from main). The behavior of that code is undefined for any value of item that doesn't match one of the case labels.
Lets go through this again. Without a default statement in the switch, it falls into the base subroutine code, which it falls to the end of and implicitly returns NULL, or 0, or false. The point here is to reduce the clutter so that your code doesn't end up looking like a star wars bar scene. Defaults? Breaks? The utter stupidity on this board is to a level beyond the pale pontificated by those that don't have the brain power to think for themselves.
None of you have been analysing code as long as I have, and tweaking the efficency as much as I have. These useless additions to end up being a cluster **** beyond all proportions and result in the compiler spinning around like a dog trying to **** a football. Until you can learn to walk and chew gum, take the lint out of your pockets and put them onto your keyboard and stop trying to question those that have the experience.