I remembered this thread when the endorphines from the Bonaire trip started to drain out, and a weird emptiness kicked in... I was thinking what creatures I saw, and I think I saw one on them box jellyfishes during our April visit. At least it looked like this:
It was the size of my head, maybe less/shorter tentacles than that specimen. Pretty cool looking, saw it pulsating between the reefs at Alice in Wonderland on a morning dive.
This was on our first full day of diving, in the end of which I also got brushed on my chin with 'something', and blew up in rash all over my body. I went nowhere near the medusa but there where all kinds of things floating in water. Some sites were real egg-cities.
Later on the week I got a nice burn on my lip, and buddy got stung on the back of the hand in mid-water. No clue what it was, the pain was short-lived but saw some people with swollen necks and other parts of face too. Wonder what that is?