Suggestion How about a token of recognition?

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Scuba Instructor
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100 - 199
While browsing I found this thread; if you take the time to go through few posts, you'll find some among us (present board members) were members of that old board as well, way back since 2000 - at the time it seems all in all members were only < 400!

Just got an idea; since there are some color-coding for supporters, mods, dive squad,...etc.
Why not reward old members with something likewise? after all; at least to me, I recognize them as the true supporters for the continuity, guidance & info exchange - they are about 20 of them still active anyway!

So, what do you think? how many people around will say "YES" to take it to the mods as members' signed request?
This thread begs the question: how do you define a member's value to the community?

Length of membership?
Quality of information?
Number of posts?
This thread begs the question: how do you define a member's value to the community?

Length of membership?
Quality of information?
Number of posts?
Note to mention the relationship to basic scuba.
If I voted for anything, it would be to move this thread to the site support forum or something along those lines.
I'd pick the first 2; but honestly, I meant the first when I initiated this thread.
El O, now you have moved it here; seems nobody is aware of it :shakehead:
I've seen it :D
IMO oppinion the idea is not bad,but how and for whome?
Memebers for more than 8 years or members with the most thanked posts.
Members with the most usefull posts(who's judgeing?
Give it some more thought.

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