Suggestion how about a max pic size when using [IMG}

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SouthEast USA
can you guys set a max pic size that can be used with tags?

Sometimes people post these HUGE pictures that cause all kinds of screen wrap problems with the text.

Perhaps limit pics shows in [IMG] to something like 800x600 or automatically resize them down?
There's also the point that this thread was not so fascinatingly self-illustrating until today. :rofl3:


It has been a problem for a long time. Glad you brought
it up so maybe it can be included in the ongoing work. :wink:
Looks you're having fun here.

We will revisit this after the upgrade.
I have got to go buy a larger screen...!

Hey Don.

I think we should go through the board and randomly made all posts as wide as this?

whatcha think?

Hehe... What would really be fun is including a transparent line image of random width (a simple thing with a little scripting). The same thread viewed by a dozen different users could be anywhere from very stretched to completely unstretched, and it would totally depend on random chance.

(Incidentally, I get my ideas from trying to debug these types of things. My favorite recent diagnosis was when I determined that the absence of color in a powerpoint presentation was the reason the cable TV feed from the school board meeting went all wonky. I had the CTO apply a very, very light blue background to the whole presentation, and the transmission cleared right up.)

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