Peacock Dive Profiles:
Dive 1 Olsen Line:
Dive time: 35 minutes
Max Depth: 67 ffw
Average Depth: 51 ffw
Total Air Used: 1,546psi or 50cuft
Average RMV Rate: 0.54cuft/min
Dive 2 Peanut Line:
Dive time: 62 minutes
Max Depth: 57 ffw
Average Depth: 37 ffw
Total Air Used: 1,596psi or 51cuft
Average RMV Rate: 0.39cuft/min
My thoughts and some of the changes I will make.
1. Pull and glide is a lot harder with sidemount, and found it hard to get a good grip and range of motion as the tanks were in the way. I need to go to Ginnie and work on this.
2. Hard goodman handles don't work for me. I found it hard to do tasks with my hands while it was in my hand. When I get my own primary light I will be going with a soft handle.
3. The butt pouch puts way too much things on top of my butt plate, making it hard to find things on my butt plate. I will be replacing it with a glue on thigh pouch, I got a good deal on one at CCDS. I will also be trying to put my main back up light in a flashlight pouch on my belt so I can more quickly get to it.
4. I will be working on doing some line drills at home, and the next time I dive a suitable site.
5. I need to get in the pool to work on my modified flutter kick. I am thinking that bring my GoPro so I can film and evaluate it.
6. Speaking of video I found that Dene's use of the Paralenz to provide video feedback as being very helpful. I wish more instructors did this.
7. At one point on the second dive I noticed that my Shearwater said my said my time to the surface was 2 minutes, I chuckled as I was at least 500ft back in the cave, and certainly wasn't within two minutes of the exit.
8. I like how symmetrical the dive profiles are.
9. Diving with older instructors like Harry and Reggie was great. They not only knew how to dive, but they know the reasons why we do things due to close calls or bodies had to be pulled out of the cave.
Now to get the practice, equipment, time, and money to get the final two days done. Thankfully being a local, that shouldn't be too hard.
This training blog will continue, same bat time, same bat channel.