Holy S...!!

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what's a dirt dart?

Well, I saw that gauge shot and it seemed quite unintentional because the arm made no effort to present the face of the gauge to the lense, and it was limp.

Also, I am under the impression it takes a bit more time for N2 levels to accumulate. --any thoughts on that? This seemed to have transpired too fast for it to be narcosis at the onset.

I feel certain we are seeing seizure activity at the end...resultant from hypoxia or maybe 02 tox but we are only 4 minutes or so from the surface. 30 m/ second

(good god, your avatar is scaring me) you look like a floating filling station.

A dirt dart is a diver that's usually overweighted that just plummets to the bottom.

I agree that the gauge shot doesn't seem to be done for effect. The report is that it's a helmet mounted camera so he's looking at the gauge himself, not filming it per se. If that's the case then it's the first time he looked at it since getting in the water. I wonder what he's doing with his arms for the entire descent to 300'.

Narcosis doesn't take time to set in. It can be a very rapid onset.

I'd put my money on a O2 tox, but it would be a rather fast onset for that. I'm not sure what ascent rate or time to surface has to do with it at this point. He's clearly not capable of going up at any rate by the end.

I'm not buying suicide here. It's either a bounce dive gone wrong or an uncontrolled descent and either way the guy is dead. It's pretty sad.

To whoever was trying to develop a 'system' for deep bounce diving. The common sense that ain't so common is that bounce diving is stupid. 100 people dead at one site because of stunts like this. I dive a wall that's 7000' deep and we don't have 100 deaths on the island much less one site. If you want to go to 300' take the time and training and do it right.

Could video editing have put the breathing and commentary out of sync?
The sound track on the original video isn't "moved" when a commentary track is laid on top - it's a separate track and editing the dubbed track doesn't effect the other. That's not to say that an entirely new track can't be laid down, and the original eliminated in the finished product. But I don't think that happened in this case.
Absent the commentary, what I hear and see is a guy doing a deep bounce, intentionally showing his computer (anyone who's done this knows that getting a good read on the computer onto film is difficult and angle critical - it looks to me like he is intentionally varying position and angle with the computer to make sure it'll be readable at least part of the time. I do not think the motions are random - an "unconscious arm" wouldn't wander into the camera's view in that way - shoulder well forward, arm bent back to get the computer face far enough from the camera and at a flat enough angle to be recorded).
The very end of the video is problematic. What does the rest of the video show? If the video actually ends there, did the camera fail or was it shut off?
Is all we see on the video before the real problem time? Is that happening after the video is off???
Lavasurfer, is your avatar shot a photograph of Mark Andrews or Leigh Cunningham? It sure looks like Leigh's rig, and the way the guy is holding his hands definitely looks like Leigh's style.

I am with biscuit on this. Seems like there was an equipment malfunction of some kind. Otherwise, I can't make sense of it at all. But then there is the video he shoots of his computer, like he's trying to let people know how deep he was. If he was using an 80 ft3 tank, then he was already toast. Did you hear the length of that last breath. Went on forever.
maybe Chenye Stokes

This is caused by the failure of the respiratory center in the brain to compensate quickly for changing serum partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Dying brains often cause big deep "sighs".

(I think he had a heart attack or stroke, based on the laws of probablity.)
Seems like there was an equipment malfunction of some kind.

Yeah he did not turn his brain on ...

I am sorry but I have zero pity for folks like this. As for the body at the bottom, it should be removed along with the rest of the junk. If she wants to be at the bottom, cremate the carcus, and sink the ashes. As it is, it is just one more curiosity to entice people. Blah.
Scared Silly:
I am sorry but I have zero pity for folks like this..
I'm with you on that one if it was truly an ego stunt. I feel for the people divers like that leave behind and what "the accident" does to our community.

Scared Silly:
As for the body at the bottom, it should be removed along with the rest of the junk. If she wants to be at the bottom, cremate the carcass, and sink the ashes. As it is, it is just one more curiosity to entice people. Blah.
Although your choice of words are not exactly desirable, you make a very good point. I can understand the family wanting to leave her there, but I wonder if she would have wanted to be the enticement for future accidents. It made me sad to think of her laying there almost like a freak show for people to come see.
Is it possible the diver had already dived a few dives before the one on video and right as he entered the water he got hit with DCS? Maybe became paralyzed to where he could not release his weights or the weight of the camera? Or may had no control of his arms or fingers in order to inflate the BCD due to DCS/DCI ?????

You all don't know that this was a stupid person. They could have had a catastrophic event.

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