I have been reading threads about different masks, which is seems like the consensus is get one that fits; I have decided to go with the hollis m1 and found it in a combo over at scuba toys:
Hollis Tec Pak discounts on sale ScubaToys
Is that a good deal for the gear that you get? The only thing I'm not sure about are the fins. Are there other fins that I should get? I am just going through the open water cert right now and just plan on doing simple diving (I do have a trip planned to cozmel) in Feb but that is about it for now. Any help/suggestions are recommended.
Hollis Tec Pak discounts on sale ScubaToys
Is that a good deal for the gear that you get? The only thing I'm not sure about are the fins. Are there other fins that I should get? I am just going through the open water cert right now and just plan on doing simple diving (I do have a trip planned to cozmel) in Feb but that is about it for now. Any help/suggestions are recommended.