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The title of the first post was "hockey" and everyone started talking about the NHL.

That game only vaguely resemebles hockey, and it getsz even more absurd to call it hockey when the playoffs come around. You get the refs who "don't want to decide the outcome of the game" and decide that rules really don't matter.

Why do you think the Olympics nearly dropped hockey altogether after the first attempt of NHL referees and players to play and officiate actual hockey. "Sportsmanship? Rules? What are those?" THe only reason Bertuzzi had any penalty more than a minor penalty was that Moore suffered a broken neck from a blow similar to blows landed in 1 of every 3 NHL games. It was a freak injury brought about by an incident frequently seen and condoned in the NHL. The extensive supension was simply a case of penalizing a person for a freak accident based on a common occurrence in NHL games. Yes, a common occurrence. They let the practice continue by refusing to enforce the rules for decades and only minimally changing the enforcement policy after nearly removing hockey from the Olympics, and then they practically ruin a man's career for following the unwritten code of conduct for the NHL? That would be like penalizing a race driver for an injury to another driver in a Figure 8 Race!!

Puhleeze!!! NHL refereees should look into the WWE for jobs when they get tired of NHL!

Give me hockey over the National Hookin' Hackin' Holdin' League any day!
I have been forced to watch the play-offs by one of my roommates who is a huge RW fan, its been good to watch i guess, but it still doesnt compare to field hockey, rugby or real football (soccer as you all call it) - far more entertaining and just as many fights (maybe not in field hockey). I guess if you arent brought up with it then it doesnt hold quite as much interest or passion - same with basketball or american football or baseball - yawn!!

Go Lightning!!

Hopfully the Lightning-Wings game a month ago was a preview to the Stanley Cup. With the Lightning winning it of course :eyebrow: .

The title of the first post was "hockey" and everyone started talking about the NHL.

That game only vaguely resemebles hockey, and it getsz even more absurd to call it hockey when the playoffs come around. You get the refs who "don't want to decide the outcome of the game" and decide that rules really don't matter.

You could say that about every sport. And it would be a generalization. For the most part, the refs do a great job. Remember, most of the calls are subjective, as it should be. Otherwise you would have a game that either 1. was completely boring, or 2. was completely ineffective with penalties every 2 minutes.

Why do you think the Olympics nearly dropped hockey altogether after the first attempt of NHL referees and players to play and officiate actual hockey. "Sportsmanship? Rules? What are those?" THe only reason Bertuzzi had any penalty more than a minor penalty was that Moore suffered a broken neck from a blow similar to blows landed in 1 of every 3 NHL games. It was a freak injury brought about by an incident frequently seen and condoned in the NHL. The extensive supension was simply a case of penalizing a person for a freak accident based on a common occurrence in NHL games. Yes, a common occurrence.

Wrong. His actions, if you actually looked at it, were far more agressive and offensive than what you usually see in ANY NHL game. He sucker punched the guy from behind, THEN jumped on his back. Contrary to your statement, that does not happen often during the season (in fact, it's quite rare). Do other ugly things go on? Of course, it's the nature of the sport.

They let the practice continue by refusing to enforce the rules for decades and only minimally changing the enforcement policy after nearly removing hockey from the Olympics, and then they practically ruin a man's career for following the unwritten code of conduct for the NHL? That would be like penalizing a race driver for an injury to another driver in a Figure 8 Race!!

The Olympics are not a relevent comparison. Different rules, different agendas. As for the refs, each and every one is reviewed after every game, and awarded points based on their performance. Only the best are offered work during the playoffs.

Puhleeze!!! NHL refereees should look into the WWE for jobs when they get tired of NHL!

Give me hockey over the National Hookin' Hackin' Holdin' League any day!

In any case, it sure doesn't seem to affect attendance at any of the games that I've been to.
NHL refs do suck!!!

Holding the stick never called.

Penalty shots very rare. I remember they gave the Flyers one against the Rangers I think last year. By the rules it was a penalty shot, but in comparrison to the way they call all the games it wasn't even close to being one.

Everything is called so inconsistently. Major infractions constantly slide and then really weak calls are made to make up for it the ones that should have been called to begin with.

They may let some ugly stuff go, but at the same time, if you even brush up against another player now it's often an interference call.

And I'm still trying to figure out how you can have a diving call and another penalty on the same play! If i was a penalty the player didn't dive. And if it's a dive what the other player did probably wasn't really a penalty.
all i have to say, as a Buffalo Sabres fan, is this:

wstein - I'm right there with you.. .course you know tickets will go up astronomically afterwards, and we wont even talk about parking!

I like my ECHL Games - good hockey, good fights, a little slower paced than NHL at times, but still able to suck you in.... except the nights its a blow out for one team or another. Oh, and one more thing - TSHIRT CANNON! My son loves that thing!
all i have to say, as a Buffalo Sabres fan, is this:


And as a Dallas Stars fan, all I have to say is...


where's the fun in that?
I mean, really.....just because we took TWO SUPER BOWLS (both decisively) and the STANLEY CUP from you guys, you'd think you were developing a complex or something....


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