Hobby or Sport???

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This is, frankly, a rather silly discussion in which people compare their own personal definitions of a word (sport). It has nothing to do with the activity itself. You are not arguing over scuba; you are arguing over how you define the word sport. In that case, no one can be wrong, and no one can be right, because you are all using your own personal definitions.

As many have pointed out, the word sport has been used many times over the centuries to include activities that would easily include scuba. Pick up a copy of Sports Afield magazine and see what their definition of a sportsman is. Ask yourself why betting on the winner of a horse race is called "the sport of kings."

This discussion is better suited to a web site devoted to a discussion among lexicographers on the evolution of the meaning of words, if such a site exists.

With that sort of attitude 80% of the board traffic would be eliminated! :)

IMO this discussion is one about perspectives with no right answer.
I agree that diving MAY not be a Game, but it is definately a sport. It is a physical activity done for enjoyment. An while there is a relaxation element to diving, for many the relaxation is part of the challenge. That is puspose of the relaxation is not an end in its self, it is a means to extend their depths and bottom times.

Ummm ... so does this mean that sex is a sport? :wink:
Is recreational scuba diving a hobby or a sport???

Tomato, Tomahto. What do YOU want to call it? Doesn't matter to me if you want to call it an extreme sport, or if you want to liken it to basket-weaving. Diving is diving, I'll leave any further labeling to the philosophers of the Board.
For what it is worth.
SPORT amusement,diversion,fun
HOBBY favourite subject or occupation that is not ones main bussiness.
(Concise Oxford English Dictionary.)

Ok, thats it.......I've come to the conclusion the it is most definitely both for me.

I read most of the posts to this thread.(And finding it entertaining,will finish them all) Several people have touched on some of the many facets, that make up the whole of the source, from which we all seem to agree brings us satisfaction.
The one thing that most seem be inflicted with, is "denial" that they have this wonderful addiction which brings us all so much joy, that we are spending this "free" time reviewing/discussing this very sport/activity/pastime/hobby here today.
Puleee heeee heeeese. Can we just stop this insane discourse?! If you were trying for "Most Useless Thread on Scubaboard" you did it. Now on to actual real scuba discussions.


OMG does this mean that posting to this thread is officially a sport? LOL
Sport: Physical activity with some competition
Game: Something with competition
Hobby: avocation of any kind
Activity: A hobby that most likely has some physical activity
Hobby and activity are close-many things are both, but quite a few can be one or the other

SCUBA: Activity. football, baseball, basketball, hockey: Sport. Poker: Game. Coin collecting: hobby. Competitive bicycling or training for such: Sport. Bicycling for exercise only: Activity. Golf: A tough one--Game, but maybe not enough activity to be Sport, though there is competition. Horse Racing: definately the Sport of Kings-for the horse and jockey, not a sport for the guy in the stands or at OTB. Writing posts like this one: none of above--waste of time.
Wow thanks for the input people!

I believe that regardless of wether you dive recreationally or commercially it all comes down to the fact that in one way or another we all depend on diving to fulfil our own personal needs either financially or just for peace of mind.

Despite this however we all agree that in one way or another we enter an environment that is unnatural for the human body which does add an element of danger and excitement making us push our bodies to the limit.

Perhaps it can be a sport in the sense that we challenge ourselves, pushing boundaries all in an attempt for self discovery. One thing is abundantly clear on this matter and that is that despite our own personal views we all do so because diving is not just an activity but a way of life.
at first, I'd have said a hobby. But after reading Webster's online dictionary, it can be both. In my head, a sport is a form of competition between 2 or more people. So I will refer to what I do on the weekends as my hobby :D
Ok David, I'll bite. I see you are from the UK but you make this statement "Here in Europe". Am I incorrect in assuming that the English do not consider themselves European or has this changed with the coming of the Chunnel? I always thought you chaps considered yourselves an island nation quite apart from the continent.
Forgive me but it is my "sport" to ask these kind of questions :D

Sorry, DaleC, didn't see your message until now. The UK, including England, is a member country of the European Union. And you're right, the Chunnel does bring our island nation closer to the continent of Europe. Little Englanders may demur, but this Englishman does consider himself to be European as well as British, the more so because I once spent three months studying at a German university and a whole year teaching in a French secondary school. I also said "Here in Europe" because I referred in passing to the use of the word "Sport" in the mainland European language German to distinguish activities done for pleasure from activities done for business.

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